Ephemeral Addictions
alright, i've just came back from playing soccer at central park with the rowdians. before that, was having dinner at foodcourt with keong, felki paul, and wenyan. then it was drinking bubble tea at blue sea. as the rest were already at basketball court waiting for the ball which is at my house, so i cycled back home to take first.
i'm feeling so tired and my legs are so sore now after soccer. cause today in school had s&w lesson which we have to run 2.4km for the nafa test!
i almost killed myself.
i feel like i almost fainted.
this is the first time i ran the whole 2.4km without stopping i think, unlike the previous years in secondary school. i'm so proud of myself, the passing time is 12.30 mins and i got 11.10 mins. it may seem slow to some of you but its the 2nd time in my life that i got around 11 mins. haha. i guess all the jogging really did help. but still, i hope i can improve on the timing as well as the rest of the 5 stations. well, we also haven't done our pull-ups yet and i know i'll totally fail it. i don't even think i can do 5 at least. i'm doomed!
during break time, was with josh and yusman cause ghaz wasn't here. we had lunch in school before proceeding to safra bowling to slack. bumped onto khairi there and we play our old past-time during it1c which is playing photohunt! hahaha. but now change already, its called EROTIC photohunt which you can choose pictures from babes to hunks. HAHAHA! we had fun pressing our fingers on the babes (of course not the hunks, we're not GAYS). when we're almost halfway breaking the record, we got chase out by the security for wearing our uniforms. this is actually the first time we got chased out, i guess safra is now stricter than before. we didn't even finish the game, kinda wasted our cash man. khairi left for his lessons after that.
as we still had quite some time before our break ends, josh and me play a match of pool at the bowling alley and i won, like always. hahaha. then went to buy some snacks and drink at the cyber cafe and seated near there to rest. we had a whole lot of laughter while crapping. josh really had his tongue tied or something, cause he keep talking PURE CRAP. he keep mixing words with others which is really funny. it rained in the end, so yusman and me decided not to go back school for our maths lessons.
i felt really guilty cause its the 3rd time i skipped maths. 3 hours each lesson, i hope i don't get debarred. but like what josh and yus said, i'm like the teacher's pet so i confirm won't get in trouble. hahaha.
when we're about to leave, it just rain suddenly. the weather nowadays sure suck. luckily, i spotted an umbrella hanging nearby and i took it (i don't think its consider stealing. haha). so i tonbang josh back to school first before going back with yusman.
well, thats about it for today. except there's still some photos below i took during school time for you guys to see. another early day in school tomorrow which starts at 8! arggh, i hope i'm able to get myself up. til next time, i'm out!
ghaz is able to smoke while sleeping! isn't that just so cool. its a unique skill he learned after months of practice. hahahaha. he's now trying to master how to masturbate while sleeping. now that's gonna take years. hoho.
this is the actual image of how ghaz smokes while he asleep. all of you gotta learn from this guy man. haha. so in the future you won't get caught smoking in school cause you don't have to. you just have to lie asleep somewhere at home and your body will do the smoking for you. sweet~ and yes i know i'm talking crap.
smoking is not just it1c's favourite past-time last time, it's also it2p's favourite past-time now. so i guess i'm really gonna die one day from inhaling too much 2nd hand smoke. damn.
everybody just LOVES smoking, don't they? we're all gonna die one day i suppose. so dying alil' bit earlier doesn't make much difference huh.
EH BbbITCHhhhHH... (WEI CHONG'S STYLE) *DROOLING* *WIPING DROOL* hahaha. josh is just trying to imitate weichong but actually, all of us just love to imitate weichong as well. he's really a COOL guy not to be missed.

hahaha. i know you guys are dying for this, so here you go. this is WEI CHONG THE MAN!!! ALL SHALL KNEE AND HAIL UPON HIM. its not that i have anything against him, he's my friend ok.
josh is so big and muscular that people are dying to make him the bouncer of their clubs. but he's actually afraid of me. hoho. he's my age and yet he sneaks into cinema to watch R21 shows with GIRLS so easily. I'M JEALOUS! HAHA.
i'm feeling so tired and my legs are so sore now after soccer. cause today in school had s&w lesson which we have to run 2.4km for the nafa test!
i almost killed myself.
i feel like i almost fainted.
this is the first time i ran the whole 2.4km without stopping i think, unlike the previous years in secondary school. i'm so proud of myself, the passing time is 12.30 mins and i got 11.10 mins. it may seem slow to some of you but its the 2nd time in my life that i got around 11 mins. haha. i guess all the jogging really did help. but still, i hope i can improve on the timing as well as the rest of the 5 stations. well, we also haven't done our pull-ups yet and i know i'll totally fail it. i don't even think i can do 5 at least. i'm doomed!
during break time, was with josh and yusman cause ghaz wasn't here. we had lunch in school before proceeding to safra bowling to slack. bumped onto khairi there and we play our old past-time during it1c which is playing photohunt! hahaha. but now change already, its called EROTIC photohunt which you can choose pictures from babes to hunks. HAHAHA! we had fun pressing our fingers on the babes (of course not the hunks, we're not GAYS). when we're almost halfway breaking the record, we got chase out by the security for wearing our uniforms. this is actually the first time we got chased out, i guess safra is now stricter than before. we didn't even finish the game, kinda wasted our cash man. khairi left for his lessons after that.
as we still had quite some time before our break ends, josh and me play a match of pool at the bowling alley and i won, like always. hahaha. then went to buy some snacks and drink at the cyber cafe and seated near there to rest. we had a whole lot of laughter while crapping. josh really had his tongue tied or something, cause he keep talking PURE CRAP. he keep mixing words with others which is really funny. it rained in the end, so yusman and me decided not to go back school for our maths lessons.
i felt really guilty cause its the 3rd time i skipped maths. 3 hours each lesson, i hope i don't get debarred. but like what josh and yus said, i'm like the teacher's pet so i confirm won't get in trouble. hahaha.
when we're about to leave, it just rain suddenly. the weather nowadays sure suck. luckily, i spotted an umbrella hanging nearby and i took it (i don't think its consider stealing. haha). so i tonbang josh back to school first before going back with yusman.
well, thats about it for today. except there's still some photos below i took during school time for you guys to see. another early day in school tomorrow which starts at 8! arggh, i hope i'm able to get myself up. til next time, i'm out!