It's In My Heart
it's sunday already! argh.... i can almost sense the sucky feeling coming back. thank god i've make quite full use of my weekend, if not it would have been a meaningless one. well, few more hours till i book in and i'm spending time by raiding in WoW. still waiting for my guildies to get ready and they're always late (almost the same as rowdees).
as for yesterday, was home the whole afternoon thanks to the rain which ruins everything. only came out at 4.30pm to meet keong, felki and ni. we were suppose to catch 'simsons the movie' but they were pretty late so... yeah. bought some finger food and snacks to keep my stomach occupied while we walked around. stopped by toy'r'us for alil' fun as we made quite a few prank calls using this cool voice changer toy (which can switch from spaceman, alien and robot).
so if you did received a call from a funny numbers yesterday and you heard weird voices, you know what happened now. HAHAHAHAHA!
as for yesterday, was home the whole afternoon thanks to the rain which ruins everything. only came out at 4.30pm to meet keong, felki and ni. we were suppose to catch 'simsons the movie' but they were pretty late so... yeah. bought some finger food and snacks to keep my stomach occupied while we walked around. stopped by toy'r'us for alil' fun as we made quite a few prank calls using this cool voice changer toy (which can switch from spaceman, alien and robot).
so if you did received a call from a funny numbers yesterday and you heard weird voices, you know what happened now. HAHAHAHAHA!
soon after, we went to scout for a 2nd hand basic phone for myself at 505 as my 8250 is getting more and more retarded. too much problems like always low batt, stupid crack inside the screen and sometimes can't even hear. in the end, the phone models that i wanted doesn't really have 2nd hand and the actual price is way over my league. i suppose i wouldn't be getting one so soon. someday will go to toa payoh to find as they say there's more varieties there.
next stop, we took the shuttle bus to ikea where we had fun taking lame pictures, eating the hotdogs, meatball and chicken wings. let the pictures tell the story. (don't ask me why it's mostly black and white)
next stop, we took the shuttle bus to ikea where we had fun taking lame pictures, eating the hotdogs, meatball and chicken wings. let the pictures tell the story. (don't ask me why it's mostly black and white)
after ikea, it was back to ocha and then slack at my house void deck to take some lame videos. which i'm sorry i couldn't upload it at all as the actor and actress are just too embrassed. HAHAHA. i will only show you secretly. we then went up to zhenfai's house to watch some tv and surf net. i left halfway to send joanne back home before coming back again.
in no time, we were all tired and it was home sweet home.
about friday, i was out to meet zhenfai, joanne, meifang and gang for fireworks at marina straight after i booked out. well, not a bad display of spectecular fireworks though i was hoping for it could be better. despite having 7 of us, we manage to squeeze into a car to have punggol nasi lemak. it's my first time trying it and i must say its rather AWESOME.
soon, it was back to tampines as i send joanne back.
home was next. yawn.
what a day.
oh my god, i can't feel my legs anymore.