It Dies Today
MONEY MONEY MONEY!! damn, i've just lost $10 an hour ago due to some soccer matches betting. plus another $40 i lost last weekends, my $50 just FLEW right in infront of me in 1 single week! arggh... how pathetic is that. i hope i win back all my money again by next week. i know how people say betting will only make one lose in the end and its totally true. so, an advise for those who never tried betting before, DON'T!! don't ever think about it. not even for the fun of it.
anyway, i just got back home from soccer matches watching at chinmeng's house with the rowdians (weitong, ben, albert, hock, mond, paul, qingan, keong, sharon, felki and wenyan). we had dinner at 827 at 6.30pm before that but i still continued to eat 4 pratas halfway watching the game when albert, qingan and sharon went down to buy supper for some of us. i need to watch my diet!
oh yeah, forgot to tell you guys that last thursday, our sports & wellness teacher had us measured our weight and height plus some details of the fat in our body. my weight actually DECREASE from 73kg during july 2004 to 69.8kg. hahaha. moreover, the total amount of FAT i had now is 16.9%, though i had 16.6% in the past, i think it is still quite acceptable. i hope i could keep up this good work and lose more FAT in the future. i need more muscles.
and one more thing, on friday, 23rd of september, is my 15 years friend, ong tian nee's 19th birthday. we've known each other since nursery til now. therefore, i'll wish her yet another HAPPY BIRTHDAY cause i know once isn't enough. hope you've enjoyed celebrating your birthday with us as well as your other friends and relative. and please grow up and be less talkative. hahaha.
well, we celebrated her birthday that day by having a steamboat dinner over at marina south. quite alot of us were there to spent time and celebrate with her and it consists of ben, hock, mond, albert, james, jason, paul, qingan, alex, dick, sharon, wenyan and peggie. i'm sure we all had alot of fun and laughter taking pictures and telling jokes. it's been like almost a year since we all had steamboat together and a pity that some couldn't be there to join us. we all should go sentosa again some time soon. after the dinner, we took a train back for soccer at central park while tian nee went to meet her friends. anyway, the horde of us play soccer till around 3+am before stopping by at 7-11 for some magazine browsing cause thianbeng was working. haha. we were all too into MAXIM and FHM. i got home and watched some new music videos at yahoo before finally landing on my bed at 5am.
below are some photos taken during and after our trip to marina south in the mrt. i know its crap but i just love to take photos of everything and anything!
hock is so stress as he has just lost $80 while betting and now he's so poor that he couldn't afford to pay for the steamboat. so in the end, he had to stay behind to clear the place and wash the dishes to pay the price. haha.
albert is posing for the camera because this could be the actual debut picture for his new acting career. hahaha. maybe he's just trying to show the sign language; LOVE.
i don't know why but qingan just loves to act cute infront of the camera most of the time. sharon, i know you're seeing this now, so please CONTROL your qingan. hahahaha.
hock is happily trying out his new phone; 6680 which is the same phone as mine. except that he's got better features cause mine was the 1st batch. DAMN IT, i'm jealous! i wanna steal his phone and switch it with mine. muahaha.
when you're full after having a feast, you'll feel sleepy. and when you feel sleepy at a bus-stop, you'll look exactly like what paul on the right is doing now. hahaha.
mond is smiling happily cause all his brothers didn't left him, unlike the boy in the advert. 'one by one, all my brothers left me'. how sad is that. so guys, don't do drugs and find some decent friends. for example, ME!

REPORT IT!! i'm sure most of you would have seen the picture like these in the mrt. therefore, be a good samarithan, don't hesitate and report it if you see bags lying around unattended. cause you'll never know, it could be a bomb and will eventually blow you up to pieces. BE A MAN, DO THE RIGHT THING!
BUT, if you find jewelries or other things lying around, NEVER REPORT IT!! don't be a DUMBASS like albert and report it. KEEP IT yourself, it could worth something.
and by now, some of you could be thinking, "if i could keep the jewelries, might as well i keep the bomb too instead". if i really did read your mind, then you are REALLY A STUPID IDIOT. WHICH ASSHOLE BRING BOMBS HOME? THINK!!!
anyway, i just got back home from soccer matches watching at chinmeng's house with the rowdians (weitong, ben, albert, hock, mond, paul, qingan, keong, sharon, felki and wenyan). we had dinner at 827 at 6.30pm before that but i still continued to eat 4 pratas halfway watching the game when albert, qingan and sharon went down to buy supper for some of us. i need to watch my diet!
oh yeah, forgot to tell you guys that last thursday, our sports & wellness teacher had us measured our weight and height plus some details of the fat in our body. my weight actually DECREASE from 73kg during july 2004 to 69.8kg. hahaha. moreover, the total amount of FAT i had now is 16.9%, though i had 16.6% in the past, i think it is still quite acceptable. i hope i could keep up this good work and lose more FAT in the future. i need more muscles.
and one more thing, on friday, 23rd of september, is my 15 years friend, ong tian nee's 19th birthday. we've known each other since nursery til now. therefore, i'll wish her yet another HAPPY BIRTHDAY cause i know once isn't enough. hope you've enjoyed celebrating your birthday with us as well as your other friends and relative. and please grow up and be less talkative. hahaha.
well, we celebrated her birthday that day by having a steamboat dinner over at marina south. quite alot of us were there to spent time and celebrate with her and it consists of ben, hock, mond, albert, james, jason, paul, qingan, alex, dick, sharon, wenyan and peggie. i'm sure we all had alot of fun and laughter taking pictures and telling jokes. it's been like almost a year since we all had steamboat together and a pity that some couldn't be there to join us. we all should go sentosa again some time soon. after the dinner, we took a train back for soccer at central park while tian nee went to meet her friends. anyway, the horde of us play soccer till around 3+am before stopping by at 7-11 for some magazine browsing cause thianbeng was working. haha. we were all too into MAXIM and FHM. i got home and watched some new music videos at yahoo before finally landing on my bed at 5am.
below are some photos taken during and after our trip to marina south in the mrt. i know its crap but i just love to take photos of everything and anything!

and by now, some of you could be thinking, "if i could keep the jewelries, might as well i keep the bomb too instead". if i really did read your mind, then you are REALLY A STUPID IDIOT. WHICH ASSHOLE BRING BOMBS HOME? THINK!!!