Logic vs Romance
well, i know its been long since i last updated my blog. so here you go, its gonna be a long post with lots of new pictures. but maybe i'll try to keep it short cause i'm freaking lazy to type out so much, just let the picture do the talking.
last friday, met up with hock at around 4.30pm to go changi airport's subway for our breakfast/lunch. albert and black is working so we kinda had a free meal. my sandwich was like super thick with meat and no vegs AT ALL. haha, not that i don't eat them but just that i don't prefer their raw vegs. anyway, my sandwich which was made by black looks like this:
doesn't it look simply delicious?!? i could still feel the cheese, bacon, pepperoni, salami, chicken fillet in my mouth right now. hohoho. this is one of the few benefits of having friends working in those food industry.
hock got jealous of my sandwich and therefore he couldn't wait to get his own one instead.
after the FULL meal, we head to terminal 2 to find qingan and chun kiong as we'll be following them to orchard for priscilla's birthday celebration. onboard the mrt and met up with paul, weitong, ben and rykiel at tanah merah before continuing our journey.
we spent most of our time in the mrt busy taking photos. well, more like qingan taking his own photo. hahaha. there's a lot more but i think its better not to disclose them.
just when i was saying not to disclose them. but i can't resist not posting this up. hahahaha. this is how sad qingan is when sharon's not around. LOL.
well, i think this is how disgusted qingan is when he actually sees sharon. haha, i'm kidding alright. i know its lame.
scarying kids scar(y)ing kids. haha.
i was distracted by some HUGE TITTIES. (i mean kitties)
HAIL and RESPECT this guy!!! stare him straight in the eyes and you'll get it! you may turned into stone or something. haha!
we finally arrived at orchard to joined up with rykiel's 2 sister, priscilla and her friends. then proceed to haegan daz (or whatever you spell it) first to buy a ice cream cake before having our dinner at lucky plaza's pizza hut. actually i was planning not to eat cause i was already full due to my previous sandwich but sadly, they ordered already. in the end, the food was like SO MUCH and we couldn't finish them. its NOT like me, mostly i could finish up a pizza easily but not this time. haha. thankfully, the whole dinner was a treat from priscilla and we're disappointed that we all couldn't clear it up.
after the meal and MUCH deciding, we finally end up going tiki's bar at boat quay for the cake cutting celebration. we were supposed to go some others pub or club but too bad, some of us were wearing either shorts or slippers. anyway, tiki's bar is really a small place with limited space but luckily it wasn't crowded at all. what i love about the bar is that the painting on the wall rocks. HAHA. take a look,
i was totally fascinated by the paintings that i simply couldn't resist myself.
qingan himself couldn't keep his eyes off the paintings.
so i guess you roughly have the idea on how 2 horny people can react to even non-living things. HAHAHA.
hock can't keep his pants to himself either and TOTALLY couldn't control his hormones. and if you obvious properly, you can actually see his eyebrows flicking. hahahaha.
this is the part where i'm starting my foreplay. hoho.
i got drunk and thought that was the birthday cake we bought. and the white liquid on my tongue isn't what you think, you sick bastards!!
you could be laughing already when you see ben playing pool. but imagine him playing with his cast on, how cool is that?
this poster on the wall looks is kinda cool to me. it sure rthymes.
not forgetting about this poster too, i really love it. the ONLY reason out of the 30 reasons that made me laugh my ass off was that, "a beer is always wet". haha. GET IT? ARE YOU DUMB?
the birthday girl, priscilla. THANK YOU for the dinner and enjoy your birthday.
just before we made our way home from tiki's bar with james, ben and hock, we stopped at the coffee bean there for alil' refreshments first. hock ordered a espresso and i ordered a hot chocolate which both cost around the same price. in the end,
hock's espresso looked so PATHETIC. this is the actual photo of it before hock even started drinking it. its like so little, HALF THE CUP! what the hell. i didn't know this amount of espresso is enough, at least a full cup will do. and the thing is, its just a few cents cheaper than
my hot chocolate. look at the size of it, its like 30 times more than the espresso. hahaha. so guys, NEVER order a espresso unless you're RICH or really half-dead.
saturday, was at sentosa with xiao gui which consist of melvin, ivan, bingting, sylves, nicholas, ho wai, hwee ping, shiping, cindy, hoi ha, bong and the other guy whom i forgot his name. it was really fun, maybe cause its been almost a year and a half since i last visited sentosa and it sure changed alot. we had lotsa of jokes and spent some time playing volleyball and soccer. sadly, i was raped that day. haha. we were in the water when they literally took off my shorts and boxers. they hold me down and there's no way i could struggle. they were grabbing me up so high that if they move me up a little bit more, my **** could have exposed to the crowd at the beach. phew, luckily that didn't happen. after we got ourself all sun-burnt, had dinner at harbourfront's food court before going back tampines for our midnight show of "deuce bigalow: the european gigolo". it is a fucking nice show, i was laughing out loud in the cinema almost all the time. the critics were wrong, its really humorous except that the movie is rather short. its worth it guys, a 8.5/10 rating!
well, as for the rest of the days, there isn't much i could really talk about. so i'll update again about this coming weekend soon. oh wait, its already here. til then, CIAO BITCH!
last friday, met up with hock at around 4.30pm to go changi airport's subway for our breakfast/lunch. albert and black is working so we kinda had a free meal. my sandwich was like super thick with meat and no vegs AT ALL. haha, not that i don't eat them but just that i don't prefer their raw vegs. anyway, my sandwich which was made by black looks like this:

after the FULL meal, we head to terminal 2 to find qingan and chun kiong as we'll be following them to orchard for priscilla's birthday celebration. onboard the mrt and met up with paul, weitong, ben and rykiel at tanah merah before continuing our journey.

we finally arrived at orchard to joined up with rykiel's 2 sister, priscilla and her friends. then proceed to haegan daz (or whatever you spell it) first to buy a ice cream cake before having our dinner at lucky plaza's pizza hut. actually i was planning not to eat cause i was already full due to my previous sandwich but sadly, they ordered already. in the end, the food was like SO MUCH and we couldn't finish them. its NOT like me, mostly i could finish up a pizza easily but not this time. haha. thankfully, the whole dinner was a treat from priscilla and we're disappointed that we all couldn't clear it up.
after the meal and MUCH deciding, we finally end up going tiki's bar at boat quay for the cake cutting celebration. we were supposed to go some others pub or club but too bad, some of us were wearing either shorts or slippers. anyway, tiki's bar is really a small place with limited space but luckily it wasn't crowded at all. what i love about the bar is that the painting on the wall rocks. HAHA. take a look,

just before we made our way home from tiki's bar with james, ben and hock, we stopped at the coffee bean there for alil' refreshments first. hock ordered a espresso and i ordered a hot chocolate which both cost around the same price. in the end,

saturday, was at sentosa with xiao gui which consist of melvin, ivan, bingting, sylves, nicholas, ho wai, hwee ping, shiping, cindy, hoi ha, bong and the other guy whom i forgot his name. it was really fun, maybe cause its been almost a year and a half since i last visited sentosa and it sure changed alot. we had lotsa of jokes and spent some time playing volleyball and soccer. sadly, i was raped that day. haha. we were in the water when they literally took off my shorts and boxers. they hold me down and there's no way i could struggle. they were grabbing me up so high that if they move me up a little bit more, my **** could have exposed to the crowd at the beach. phew, luckily that didn't happen. after we got ourself all sun-burnt, had dinner at harbourfront's food court before going back tampines for our midnight show of "deuce bigalow: the european gigolo". it is a fucking nice show, i was laughing out loud in the cinema almost all the time. the critics were wrong, its really humorous except that the movie is rather short. its worth it guys, a 8.5/10 rating!
well, as for the rest of the days, there isn't much i could really talk about. so i'll update again about this coming weekend soon. oh wait, its already here. til then, CIAO BITCH!