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Symptoms of A Failing Heart

Thursday, January 26, 2006

We Are So Last Year

seNGET crossed his heart at 8:23 PM  
well well, i just woke up from my nap when my brother came into my room to play xbox. i don't know why but i'm always sensitive to the environment everytime i'm asleep.

just a single gesture like opening the door would wake up me. therefore, giving me a morning call is as easy as hell, just that i may go back to sleep again right after i hang up the phone. hahaha.

most importantly, i can never sleep with the lights on. PURE darkness is what i want. seriously, i can't even stand the lights of my on-ed dvd player when i'm trying to get some sleep.

oh, one thing i'm popular for in rowdees, is that everytime there's a chalet, i always the one occupying the bed when we're supposed to take turns and give in to others the next night. but what the hell, i don't really care as long as i get some good sleep. haha.

i don't know why, but the guys always try to make me sleep talk which i DO reply them most of the times. haha! there has been a few occasions and i'm gonna share with you some.

once, it was during our secondary three camp. one night, keong and qingan came into my tent when i was already asleep. i have no idea why but i think they couldn't sleep so they came to distrub. i can't recall the full details what they said but this is all i can remember. they asked me questions like:

(this is translated into english)
keong and qingan: "senget, you sleep already ah?"
senget: "ah.... ya..".
keong and qingan: "eh don't sleep so fast leh?"
senget: "......".
keong and qingan: "oi senget you like who?"
*pure silence*
keong and qingan: "like ****** is it?
(i stopped replied, i guess i really went back to sleep)

of course this is what they told me the next morning cause i have no memory of it at all. and another time, it was one morning when we're supposed to meet 10.30am for ice skating and i was still sleeping at home. then at 10.15, qingan called to see if i'm ready anot. i was "huh?, now then call me? i still sleeping sia". then he said, "i just now at home called you at 9+ what, you say ok one." i didn't know what to say so i quickly went to prepare. when i checked my phone logs after that, he did call me from his house earlier on. that was when i realised i sleep talk.

one thing for sure, everytime people called and talk to me while i was sleeping, i can barely recall the conversation at all after i woke up. well, my memory sucks and this is ME.

anyway, i'm so hungry now and my mom is gonna buy me food when she come back from work. tomorrow's friday already! chinese new year is coming and i'm so freaking excited. one more day of school, and i have a five days break! hurray!

i maybe going back my secondary school to see my teachers and also the LAME performances every year. hahaha. hope my teacher release us early tomorrow so i can make it on time for the performances.

here's a lil' update from yesterday. i was at orchard with my brother at 6.15pm as he was buying his new year clothes. in the end, he bought a nike shoe from "leftfoot" and some clothes from "frgl". after that at 8pm, we made our way back to meet the rest of the rowdians because some of them were doing their last minute shopping at tm as well. james and nini each too, got a pair of converse shoe and jason got a shirt (which he is preparing to wear for MOS). to waste some time as it was still early, we play cs for almost 2 hours at pavilion before i bought macdonald's home to eat and then, SLEEP!

oh yeah, while i was waiting for my brother at ochard mrt control station, i was approached by this guy. he told me he was from some model agency and gave me his card. he asked for my age and when i said i am reaching 20 this year, he replied "great, my agency need young people like you for some magazine shoot". he then happily took down my name and contact number (i was shy to say my name is xinyi, so i said sheng yi instead. haha). he also mentioned that his colleuge will contact me soon enough about the details and then he left. hmmm... weird isn't it. i wonder why i was picked in the first place? hahahaha! seriously, i doubt i can be a model.

at last, my food is here! it's munching time! and soccer later at 10pm.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Go Mobile!

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:36 PM  
yesterday, i was awaken by my mom at 10.30am who ask if i wanted to join the rest of the family for breakfast at tm's crystal jade. thinking that i could get my father to transfer the ownership of my handphone bill to me, i agreed. they were waiting for me while i shit, bathe, change and straightened my hair. hahaha.

when we arrived at tm, my father plan to get a handphone at singtel for my god-sister first and at the same time, told my brother to go crystal jade to queue first cause the restaurant would surely be crowded at that hour. i followed my parents instead, leaving my brother waiting at the restaurant alone.

in the end, we bought 2 nokia N70, signing 2 new lines. initially, we wanted to buy just a N70 which cost $498 for my primary 3 god-sister (what good life), but we were told that there was a discount of $200 if we purchase 2 and that we did. $796 was the final price. now, i'm using the N70 whereas my brother is using my 6680.

halfway through, my dad went to join my brother to order some dishes first. by the time my mom and i were done paying at the cashier, my brother has already waited for around an hour. haha. we quickly rushed down and in no time, finished our breakfast-lunch.

as my mom would be attending my cousin's 21st birthday (whom i am not so close connected with), they went to look around for presents at the jewellery shop. after much deciding for almost 30mins, they came out of the shop buying nothing and used another present instead.

i left soon after as i was joining keong, felki and nini for shopping at orchard. i met them at century's food court first at 2.30pm as they were having their lunch. after that, made our way to OG mall through train as keong bought his levi's jeans and billabong shirt. we then walk over to PS when i finally bought a black shirt (which i would be wearing for MOS this coming monday) and nini still unable to find the adidas shoe she wanted. nini was persistance, so we head over to bugis adidas branch to see but it end up in vain as well. trying our luck, we walked over to suntec branch to check it out. still, she couldn't find the shoe she wanted. and in the end, she didn't buy at all.

by then, we were hungry like wolves, so we went to have our dinner at suntec food court first before going macdonald's for snacks and deserts cause we won't full enough. haha. just nice, my parents were attending my cousin's 21st birthday party at the conrad centennial singapore which was nearby. we had the idea of them driving us home but we walk around millenium walk to waste some time first as my parents were still dinning at the party. even after we've finished walking around, they still weren't done. so we end up waiting for them at the hotel's lobby.

the hotel was sleek! i was like "holy shit" when we entered the lobby. and i'm sure the bell boys outside were wondering why we shit head went in. well, we didn't care much and continued sitting on the lobby's expensive sofa.

soon, my dad came out of the ballroom and insist my friends and i join in for the party. they refused as they were shy, so i went up alone, dressed in bermudas and slippers. haha. before i enter the ballroom, i could see the horde of buffet food right outside. there's such a variety of them and they sure smells good! i can't imagine those were actually the leftovers cause there's still alot of them left. i suppose everyone inside eat very little.

ah! how i wish i have a party like that for my 21st birthday. everyone will be wearing formal which would be so cool. except that, i'll be blasting my rock music and everyone will surely grab the buffet food without hesitation like typical kiasu singaporean.

when i was inside the rather small ballroom which consist of 4 tables, the birthday girl was just opening the present from her dad, and it was, *drum roll* a huge cheque. stated on it, $21000!!!!!! what the hell! what a sbirthday gift. i think throughout my whole 19 years of birthdays, i have NEVER accumulate even just half of that money. damn it. i guess thats the differences between us poor, and the rich. seriously, at that point, i wish i was rich instead.

while i was sitting down, i was invited to help myself on the buffet, which i did, cause the people there are just too friendly. but i only managed to take half a plate of pasta and a small cake though cause i was still full from the previous meal. it was cake cutting ceremony soon and i got a piece of it too.

after some time, i almost forgot about keong waiting downstairs and luckily, he called to complain. so i quickly got my parents to leave and with the 4 of us squeezed at the back of my dad's car. thank god singapore is a small country and didn't squeeze there for long. in about 20 mintues, we were all home sweet home.

for today, there isn't much to say except that i'm still stressed over my flash projects. the teacher even uninstalled our counterstrike and now, we're left with no games. so sad. but its good in a way though, at least now we can concentrate on our projects 100%. oh, and i can't wait to see josh and my other ex-classmates who just got back from attachment. we can finally gathered, though i missed them today as their timetable are so relax. i want to complain!

as i speak, the other rowdians are now having their soccer session together with the kukus while i didn't attend cause i was too lazy and tired to move my legs.

anyway, i've been waiting for this week to come ever since the start of the new year. hoho. chinese new year is just around the corner now! i'm waiting to wear my new shoes, shirts. jeans and accessories.

and the most important thing is, we'll be having our rowdees reunion dinner at hans river and midnight movie this friday. then, it would be clubbing at MOS on monday and house visiting on tuesday. just talking about it, i'm feeling so excited about it! i want my hong baos!!!

sorry, but its bed time now. ciao.

The Dark Tan

seNGET crossed his heart at 1:19 AM  
alrighty, i am finally back from my sentosa trip last saturday. and i should say, it was one hell of a trip! we had alot of fun though the attendance wasn't as good as we expected. from all the 25 rowdians available, which includes the girlfriends, only 11 plus 1 kuku make it for the trip. they were qingan, mond, zhenfai, james, keong, khia seng, black, felki, nini, tiannee, peggie and me. if only the rest could make it, i'm sure we would have much more fun, joy and laughter than this.

on the morning of saturday, 10 of us met up at 10am at clock but as usual, most came late (i wasn't one of them). we were actually supposed to have breakfast at BK but due to our lateness, we only managed to make it to BK exactly few minutes before the breakfast menu ends. to our misfortune, there was only 1 breakfast meal left, and i took it. not that i'm selfish or something, but the rest voluteered to let me have it. haha.

zhenfai looks GAY even while eating.

munchies at BK.

black with his mouth full.

we end up feeling so full in our stomach and we had to drag our asses over to take a train to outram first before changing another train from the north-east line to harbourfront and met up with tiannee.

navy hero

The MAN!

1 gay and 2 macho men. guess the not.

i don't have a single idea on what the girls were trying to do.

they were trying to squeeze each other faces to look cute.

qingan plans to have a sex change

keong almost joined him.

while waiting for the always-late tian nee.

the unchosen one!

the chosen one!

he's gonna replace neo on the new sequel of matrix

WOAH! the cool looking qingan. i could almost feel an aura over him.



by the time we reached harbourfront, it was already 1pm. it was that late! we normally would have reached sentosa by then. i wonder what took us so long. without wasting anymore time, the rest hurried over to cold storage to buy our picnic food while i went high and low to find a freaking frisbee. speaking of wasting anymore time, we even stopped halfway through to take pictures with the chinese zodiacs first. hah. we then proceed over to the sentosa bus interchange to wait for peggie. soon, we were finally at our destination, sentosa.

keong was borned on the year of the ox or cow. whatever you like.

felki was borned on the year of the dragon. i can understand where her laughter came from.

for me? i was borned on the year of the tiger. ROAR!

tian nee trying to act like a tigeress.

don't you just feel like slapping her face? hahaha.

piggy beach!

qingan loves to suck sweets.

like most people would do, we swim quite a bit and suntanned under the hot sun. built a super huge sandcastles with tunnels and prevented the waves from attack it (i know its silly). juggled the soccer ball for at least 20 times before we are allowed to go into the water( it was our very own challenge which did everytime we're at sentosa. and with zhenfai with us, it sure took us a bloody long time to complete that! haha) we also split into 2 teams to play touch rugby and frisbee.

i should say the girls are much more fiercer than the guys during the games. haha.

plus, we went to the animal show and a few of us even took pictures with a enormous yellow/white python. it is first time i ever encountered a snake face to face (not counting the times i was at the zoo or reptile park of course, with the stupid glass in between). i even get to stroked it with my hands and carried it while taking the picture.

we miss hock.

they suntan with their bra on. haha!

its written, "bert", "L BIRD". get it?

albert's favourite pose

poor mond, buried alive

aftermath of the sand attack

this is how the sand castle started

proud of our work

our very own minas tirith

hindu black! :"thank you come again *with the indian accent*"

oh my god! tight ass!!

hanky panky in the water.

practice makes perfect

hssss.... i almost thought i was gonna die

mond crapped his pants after holding it. LOL.

can you see the difference in colour tone? HOHO.

nini was STRONG enough to carry the giant snake

look over here khia seng

zhenfai was so gay that he demand i carry him up the rock

smile! thats what weitong should do

we call that cool (minus away tian nee)


it took us quite awhile to bring almost everyone up the tiny rock except for james and peggie

squeezy squishy

look over there

we see chicks


aww... don't they look loving?

sorry for no censorship. this is who we are.

who doesn't love titties? i mean kitties *grin*

digging the hole of death. i swear you can break or twist your leg if you fell in that hole.

see how deep it is?

COOL right? admit it. HAHAHA!

rowdees very next sexy baby, SEXY GURU! who makes tiannee almost freaked out. HAHA!

smiley face with a mole! guess whose that?

this is how ancient people do to bury a coconut.

i'm sure you know what these 2 initials are.

wo men heng chiang

when the skies was about to grow dark, we made our way to the toilet to bathe and change. by the time we came out all fresh and ready to leave, it was 8pm and rainning rather heavily. and not forgetting that i was super late for my reunion dinner at my grandma's house which was supposed to start around 6 - 7pm! therefore, i quickly left first while the rest waited for the rain to lessen or stop. as i expected, the bus was freaking pack but i am thin enough to squeeze through.

upon reaching other bus stops, i am sad to say that alot of the passengers were trying to squeeze into the bus even though its so fucking obvious that its crowded! this give a big problem to the people who were trying to alight. i am really disgusted to see these behaviour in our own countryman. i understand its hard to wait for the other bus when others behind are cutting queue as well but can't they just be patient and queue up properly. why are people getting so barbaric nowadays?

when i alighted, i was even shocked to see that the bus stop to harbourfront mrt was even much more crowded! argh, i was so running out of time with my mom hasting me and this is what i get. my only hope would be taking a cab but there was none to be seen. either they were on call or occupied. without much hesitation, i phoned for a cab and waited for it outside the bridge which i had to walk all the way there. its damn far!

thank god, my cab arrived soon and i managed to reach my grandma's place at 9pm. everyone already finished their meal by the time i'm there and i was the only one left eating. my brother was even sleeping soundly. luckily, my mom was good enough to reheat some of the food for me. and for your information, it's all vegetarian food, cause my mother's side relatives are mostly all vegetarians. still, the food are fantastic!, they taste as good as fast food (i think). my relatives proceed scooping their "yu sen" while i was happily munching my food.

everyone ready to grab their own chopsticks.

"yu sen" time.

my beloved great-grand ma and my 2 little cousins

my uncle with his son.

another of my uncle with his daughter

at about 10pm, my brother left first because he was going out with his friends while i waited till 11.30pm before my uncle, who was working as a taxi driver that night, drove my mom and me back home. i was too tired to go find the other rowdians so i end up sleeping early that night.

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