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Symptoms of A Failing Heart

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

She Loves Me Not

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:58 PM  
so sorry, i've been too busy playing mu online that i almost have no time to update at all. for those who are keen to know where i went and stuffs i did recently. here goes the LONG update for you guys. enjoy!

after hours of gaming, finally meet up with keong, felki and dwight at my house 293 bus stop at about 5.30pm to go suntec to watch 'the spook show'. its actually some kind of spooky magic show organised by a church. ok first, we went city hall to meet felki's mom. bought old chang kee before taking a free bus ride over to suntec city and then proceed up straight to the show's hall. the hall was actually so huge, its the first time i ever been there. not forgetting that it was so crowded and we only got the seats at the side. not really the best view but at least thats a wide projector screen right in front of us. before the show starts, they actually have some dancers dressed up as ghost walking around the place disturbing and scarying people. quite cool actually. haha. overall, the whole magic show was really awesome but there were some flaws which most people could easily spot them. nevertheless, there are still some magics which are totally unexplainable. i just couldn't understand how it happened. anyway, i really advise all of you to watch it but too bad its over already. after the show, it was FINALLY dinner below at the foodcourt. if you wondering why i emphasis the word 'FINALLY' is because i haven't ate anything at all except for the old chang kee. haha. soon, it was back to tampines and felki's house. actually plan to go slack and talk with wenyan at central park but due to the fact that we were late, she waited till almost felt asleep and had to cancel it off. i was glad anyway as i was super tired too. so it was home sweet home at 12am.

at about 4.30, met up with hock and peggie at clock for our shopping at orchard. on the way to interchange, bump onto wenyan and so, all of us went there together after meeting ryna in the train. over at orchard, tiannee was already there waiting for us. while wenyan and ryna went for their own romantic shopping spree, the rest of us went far east for lunch first. oh ya, there was a small gig over there playing for charity which features mostly punk, rock and alternative bands. donate $2 and you'll get a black tag which is kinda cool. well, all of us eventually donated and got it. like usual, the first stop of our shopping spree is 'image 2001'. hock and me left there only after buying a atticus polo tee each( he's is green and mine's black). in the end, i also got myself a black leather belt which i have been planning for a long time. we thought of buying presents for the september's birthday babys but after a long, tiring walk at far east and shaw house, we still couldn't find the right items for them each. so maybe another time. headed back to heeren to meet wenyan and ryna before taking a train to bugis to find keong and felki. ryna left first as she had work the next day. at bugis, we just walk around aimlessly as usual and left only after wenyan got her red billabong's wallet which i paid for her first. so it was back to tampines macdonald's for dinner. we then had to do some brain storming on where to go next. keong, felki and me decide to left for safra to play mu online while the rest headed to chinmeng's house to join the rest of the rowdians for soccer match watching. mu online was really fun with keong starting his new character. after 2 hours of playing, i went home first to change as it was soccer time at central park. play till 4am without any police disturbance and it was back to my precious bed. oh yeah, i bet 3 soccer matches that day and won $32. wahaha. i'm starting so 'gian' already. luck is on my side!

left for wenyan's house with mond to watch some dvds. i got my lunch at 827 which i brought to her house to eat. peggie was already there and the 4 of us watch 'exorcist: the beginning' dvd. just when it was about to end, weitong and paul joined us. we then watch another vcd 'wedding crashers'. it was really funny but due to the fact that it was pirated, it was skipping scenes alot and it suck! we didn't even get to catch the ending. what the fuck man. we all left for 827 for dinner after that. james joined us over there and then it was soccer match watching at my house this time round. it was new castle utd vs man utd. more people like lawrence, qingan, ben and albert join us for the match after their work. most of us betted on that game and the last minute 2nd goal from v.nisteroy made us all richer! muahaha, i was $15.60 richer. after the game ends, all of them went back home while i went back to my sweet bed instead.

monday(the very first day of school):
school was slack!! the timetable is so relax that i think i'll look forward to going school more often now. haha. BUT i feel i can't really click with my classmates. there's only 2 of my ex-classmates, ghaz and yusman whom i can really talk to there. the 3 of us are on our own now. anyway, year 2 is really havoc. we make our own break! haha. we just say we're going to the toilet or something and we went for like 30 bloody minutes. HAHA. my teachers aren't so strict at all, well, except for 1 guy. man, i love being seniors. since there's only 3 of us now, if we ever want to skip school, we have to really inform each other about it. or else, if only 1 of us end up going school alone. he's gonna have lunch alone or have to find the other ex-classmates which is gonna be troublesome. hahaha. i guess we really have to make new friends now. oh ya, ghaz who was involved in a recent bike accident had 1 of his nails came off and it is really disgusting. it is black and all, totally gross. and we both disagree on why the doctor had to stick the old nail back when a new one can be grown. i wonder whose right. well, the worse is still afiq, the one who ton bang ghaz, he had 12 staples on his left arm, broke 2 finger bones and 2 arm bones. HE'S THE MAN!! ok after school, had soccer at tp as per normal. i really ran alot that day and i feel proud about myself. lol. exercise do helps! so people, please exercise. after soccer, the rest had dinner at 820 while i accompanied them. then it was back home with my dinner and mu online! thats it before i eventually went to bed at 12am.

i was late for school and had boring maths lessons. heard from my teacher that i got 90+ marks for my previous maths exam. WAHAHAHA, damn i'm good!!! i can't belive it. ok during break time, ghaz, yusman and me were so boring that we even went to interchange to buy poker cards and then play dai dee at macdonald's. hahaha. it was lame plus funny and ghaz was on a bad losing streak. hmm, i wonder is that what the 3 of us are gonna do for the rest of the semester; playing dai dee?? haha. we need good plans! seriously. took a bus back school and it finally ended at 2pm.

woke up early as usual and play mu online cause my school starts from 3 to 6pm. i actually thought that there would be a half day as it was suppose to be teacher's day celebration but tampines ite just didn't celebrate. but still, i got prepared and meet hock and thianbeng below my house at 11am to go back junyuan secondary to watch the teacher's day performance. it's been long since all of us went back together. i finally get to see most of my old classmates and realised that most of the malays actually got their bike liscense already. damn it, when is it gonna be my turn. i want my car liscense! but i'm just too lazy. oh ya, not forgetting that i saw many of my old teachers and talked for quite some time. found out that my ex form teacher, mr feraj is getting married at the end of this year and will be inviting all of the ex-5N2 if possible to his wedding. AWESOME. anyway, the performances today is almost the same as the past, which is BORING. but at least the graduating classes get to give their form teacher some wishes and dedication. i wish we had that privilledge in the past. after the whole thing ends, albert, hock and i went 827 for lunch. i felt guilty that i skipped school. haha. we then decide to go my house to slack and play game. albert took my bike to went home to change while hock came to my place first to play xbox. albert came back soon and the 2 of them were like playing 'dead of alive: extreme beach volleyball' so crazily in my room. at the end of the day, they were are PROs alreadys. HAHAHA. hock went back home while albert and i went small mac to meet sharon, then to tanah merah to meet ben, qingan and james and then meet wenyan at city hall. oh ya, ben's right wrist is casted now as he was told that he cracked and break some of the bones. if it gets worse, he may actually requires surgery. hahaha. SO SAD FOR HIM, no sports and school for 1 entire month. anyway, back at city hall, i went hmv at city link hoping to get a copy of 'alternative press' but they don't sell it. instead i got myself 'kerrang!' with a limited edition cd which cost just $10. underoath is on the cover of this month's 'alternative press' and i really need to get my hands on it. somebody please find it for me. anyway, the whole lot of us then went marina square to have our dinner at Carl's JR. paul and kukus was working and so we got our discounts. the food taste really great, especially my double western bacon cheeseburger. YUM YUM. but i kinda expected the serving to be bigger, turns out, its about the same size as BK's. after Carl's JR, some of us had ice cream at this italian store which i can't remember the name. not bad, and i had mixture of 'cookies n cream', 'tiramisu and 'butter scrotch'. i've been eating so much fattening food recently. luckily there's still exercise session tomorrow or i'll get back to my fat shape again in no time. after finishing our ice-cream, qingan, albert, james and sharon took a cab back while ben, wenyan and i, saved money and took a train back instead. so here i am, back from playing mu online just to update.

damn i'm feeling so tired now. luckily there's holiday tomorrow or else i would be late for school for real. arggh, i spent like 2 hours updating this shits so you guys better appreciate it. hahaha. alright i'm out, gotta bath and then SLEEP!!! CIAO~

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Say Hello to Say Anything

seNGET crossed his heart at 10:24 PM  
i'm feeling so hungry now!! my stomach is desperate for food all over. haven't really eat anything else since my lunch of chicken rice which my mom bought at 2pm. but i don't know what to eat, cause i can't eat too heaty stuffs. plus, look at the time now, whats there to eat? i guess i just have to go home and eat up all my snacks. better finish them fast before my brother does. hahahaha! ok i know i'm selfish. anyway, i'm now at fiona's house, just surfing the net and stuffs while she's watching tv. maybe i''ll leave when keong and felki gets back. just now was running outside with fiona and ran the same route and the same distance. kinda seem like almost 2km, i'm sure we both are improving in our stamina. nowadays i just feel so motivated to exercise, haha. bedok reservoir is our next target! haha

No Story Book Ending for this Fairytale of Mine

seNGET crossed his heart at 10:31 AM  
another early day for me today. somehow, i just can't continue sleeping. my body just kinda auto wake up. damn it! i can't even have a decent long sleep. so i guess i'm gonna play mu online pretty soon again. but before that, here's some updates about yesterday. i was playing mu online till about 1pm before making myself a pizza. haha, it sure taste wonderful, and my throat sure gets worse day by day with all these snacks i bought. i then went to bath and prepare to go fiona's house to buy her a packet of roller coaster as she was hungry for it. slack there for awhile before leaving for the saloon to cut my hair at fushion. my hair feel so light now, haha. after that, we took a bus to sporthall for our gym session. this time round, we stay there and exercise for a mere 45 minutes. thanks to fiona. haha. it was back to her place, then went down again with keong to buy dinner for them. all i did there was just watching some tv shows and helping fiona with her assignment abit. soon, it was walking back home with keong at around 12am. home sweet home. well, not forgetting that i continue playing game again till about 2am before i actually sleep.

hope its a better day full of plans later on. i'm starting to get bored by just playing game. i need to get out of my house! to somewhere far, where i can buy some new stuffs and have some fun.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Fist(Fish) Wrapped in Blood

seNGET crossed his heart at 10:54 PM  
i've been staying home most of the time during these 2 days of the holiday. its quite a boring holiday and i'm planning to go out somewhere far soon. need to shop and explore around man. haha. anyway, i was introduced by keong to the game "mu online" and thats why i have been playing non-stop ever since.

yesterday, had soccer at tp till about 7+pm cause we stopped due to the mini rain. stopped at ocha as usual for a drink and then i waited at macdonald's with my bro cause my mom would be coming to buy. after that, my bro and mom went home first while i went 827 to find the rest who were having their dinner. sat down for about 10 minutes before receiving a call from my bro who stated that there wasn't any chilli and that dad wanted to drink ice lemon tea. so i head all the way back to macdonald's to get them and proceed home. after finishing my dinner, i play mu online till about 2am before eventually had my sleep.

i don't know why, but i just can't stop thinking about the game. i kinda got addicted already. so i woke up really early at 9am today just to play the game. play for like 6 hours before preparing myself to meet keong, weitong and felki to go fishfarm. ate some famous amos cookies too as they were kinda late. finally, went keong's house to wait for them and then to the bus-stop to wait for weitong who was taking a cab from airport. after a short trip, we at last got to the fish farm which is so huge, they had like many different farms inside. we stop at the first farm for our subway lunch which weitong brought for each of us. mine had like 5 different kinds of meat in it. hahaha. it could sum up to over $10 just for my sandwich. anyway, we had like a picnic there. lol. oh ya, the first farm has this INCREDIBLE BIG FISH! ALMOST LIKE THE SIZE OF KEONG! can you imagine that? i wonder what would happen if i fall into its pond. its the first time i ever see a fucking huge fish. its the largest fish in the world (thats what the sign said). and there's also this gross luo han which had one eye missing. we then walk around that farm and also other farms which is like 300m apart. in the end, keong got himself a new bigger tank, some pebbles and some fishes. and i, got 3 fishes which i intend to let keong take care of it cause i don't have a tank. we also stole a few color pebbles and dead corals too. haha, i know its lame. walk all the way out again and took a cab back to keong's place to slack for a short while. helped keong change his fish tank and place the new fishes before leaving with weitong. i just got home like 3 hours ago for my dinner. and have been playing mu online since after my dinner. and now, due to the fact that my bro is gonna sleep soon, i've stopped. i think i'm gonna wake up early tomorrow again to play. hahaha. i know i'm such a hardcore game addict and i can't quit!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Your Sword vs My Dagger

seNGET crossed his heart at 1:41 PM  
alright i'm back from more updates. basically, this whole week is the most wonderful of all, cause its my holidays!! hahaha. attachment is finally over, i'm so free from the work stress now. i can taste and feel PURE FREEDOM now. back to school next week to see all my ex-classmates which i haven't met for 9 weeks and also, my new classmates whom i can't wait to know who they are. better have a few hot chicks. lol. oh ya, people say that i have grew thinner. muahaha. i feel so proud about myself. haha. now i'm more motivated to exercise. so fiona, we should really exercise more now. i'm serious!

got back with wenyan after work as usual. its the last day i'll be seeing her after work cause its almost my last day as she doesn't work on saturday. all the best to her for another 10 weeks. haha. met up with my mom at tampines mrt and wenyan went home ahead first. then, we went ntuc fairprice to buy lots of supplies to pray for the hungry ghost festival and in total, it costed $142. i bought like cookies, tibits, hotdogs, waffles, cereals and instant noodles damn, thats got to satisfy me for my 1 week holiday and i'll sure become fatter for that period of time. need to exercise more nowadays. my dad came soon after and we place the stuffs in the car first before having our dinner at billy bombers. haha, it sure taste fantastic. got back home to rest for awhile before meeting fiona for some jogging action. haha. i was feeling so energetic that day and i could run like forever. haa. after running, it was back to her place for alil' slacking. then to central park with keong and felki for mid-night soccer action. play for quite sometime but eventually, we got stopped by the police and had no choice but to leave. they rest slacked at 7-11 while i headed home cause i still got the last day of work the next day.

woohoo!! the last day of work finally ended but i felt disappointed cause the remarks they gave about me was terrible. i had all Cs and 2 Ds for "attendance/punctuality" and "able to communicate with others". fucking hell, am i such a bad employee? i know i'm lazy but at least i finish all my work fast and efficiently. how the fuck can i communicate with middle age women whom most are malaysians. i don't even know what to say to them. its not all my fault anyway. i wish i was posted to a better company. but anyway, what done is done. the attachment is really important for my marks but since i got it so bad, i guess i have to really work hard for my next term so i can at least get to a polytechnic. argghh. oh ya, not forgetting that i got my pay that day too. after work, met up with my mom again for lunch at cs foodcourt. after lunch, she left to buy some health products at 300+ while i head back home to change. meet up qingan, weitong and wenyan as they were having their lunch at 827. afterwards, we made a stop at singapore pools, fish shop and the vcd shop. we then headed to wenyan's house to watch dvd, mond joined us soon. it was about 7pm when we went 844 to buy our dinner to bring to dick's house to watch the match between man utd against aston villa. at 10pm, wenyan, charis and sharon went cs to collect our tickets of "the maid" first as the guys were too lazy to get there early. in the end, we were so late then we practically have to run to cs. hahaha. what a jog. the movie was pretty scary, i was actually shocked a few times. not many shows can do that to me. haha. but towards the end of the show, it gets more boring. for the ratings, 6/10 the least for me. after the show, all of us walked back and stopped at the fitness corner for some fun and workout. we slack and chit chat till about 4am before going back to catch some sleep.

stay home the entire afternoon to pray for the hungry ghost festival. rowdee actually sneak out of the house while i was asleep and my mom only found him back like quite some time later. haha. it sure sound cute to know he's been sitting at the 2nd floor waiting for us to find him. he pee-ed everywhere too. at 5.30pm, met up with qingan, weitong, khia seng, dick, chinmeng, wenyan, peggie and charis at clock for cs at pavilion. the girls went to take a walk at tm while we head for pavilion. due to the crowd playing cs, we play pool instead. mond joined us soon after. then it was dinner at kfc and back to dick's house to watch soccer match. watch till about 1am before i make my way home alone cause i was really tired. i love my bed.

got up really early and i don't know why. maybe because i'm still used to waking up early during my attachment period. i just watch some tv and ate some snacks. and here i am, blogging now due to the boredom. i'll be playing game soon and then its soccer at tp later at 5pm. i must really make use of this holiday otherwise its gonna be totally boring. and i really need to go orchard for some shopping too, got quite some stuffs for me to buy. for now, i'm out. update soon as soon as i got the time. peace out~

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Studying Politics

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:50 PM  
so so bored! its gonna be 12am and i'm gonna be in bed soon. well, another shitty day of work tomorrow. i'm wish tomorrow could really end fast, like in a flash. time always fly when you didn't notice, thats one thing i'm sure everyone knows. time can be so POWERFUL... when people say we control time, well i say, time controls us.

have you ever been in one place and thinking whether you are gonna be in that same old place years from now and you just can't wait for those years to pass. thinking of these, you somehow got this weird feeling. THEN, after those years past, you'll be thinking about that place you've been years before and that weird feeling you had at that point of time. by the time you know it, everything seems to be over. you can't go back to that day anymore. pardon me if you don't understand, cause i really don't know how to express my feelings. its just so special or maybe even weird?

ok i still remember the day i was sitting in the bus to work on one monday and thinking that i still got 9 hours of work left before going back home. and also how i thought that there's still 6 more weeks of boring work to go before i have my precious 1 week holidays. just thinking of that 6 more weeks, i just felt so sad and moody at that moment. i was saying to myself, "HOW AM I GONNA TAHAN FOR THESE 6 MORE WEEKS!!, DIE AH, I'M FUCKED!". can you imagine how sucky my feeling were at that time? BUT NOW, that 6 weeks is almost over, just 3 more days left. i could still feel that day's memories and feelings so fresh in my mind. i wonder if i'm suppose to be happy or sad now. everything just ends before you even knew it.

also, on another occasion, where i was sitting on my girlfriend's couch and thinking if i could still be together with her or even still sitting at her couch years from now.

that eventually, never happens....

now, like the others, i still have that memory fresh in my head. hoping if i could go back to the past and change everything, and i mean everything just to be back with her. bad things just comes to you when you're not prepared or ready for it. i feel so useless.

i cannot really imagine years from now, where i get married or go to work officially. and all my buddies going separate ways and hardly meeting each others for soccer and stuffs. for now, i don't want that to happen, hoping that day never comes. but when that time really comes, i'll be reading this post and thinking, "I MISS THE OLD DAYS....."

A Split of Nightmares

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:48 AM  
there is no real me,
only an entity.
something of a misery.
although i can hide my cold gaze,
and you can shake my hand and feel flesh gripping yours.
and maybe you can even sense that our lifestyles are probably conferrable,
i simply am not there....

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Goodbye We're Falling Apart?

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:26 PM  
OK, i just got back from wenyan's house from some dvd watching. i was so fucking pissed when i got home cause upon reaching my lift, i realised that both the lift were held up at the 5th floor. so i waited, and after about 2 minutes, they're still at the 5th floor. something was wrong, both the lift could be spoilt and some fuckers were holding it. i knew i had to climb the stairs to get back home, its 8th floor by the way. the thing is, i had my bike with me! i guess i've got no choice, either i wait for the repairman to come or BE A MAN, and climb up the stairs carrying my bike. and so i did, it was freaking tiring, my right leg was about to cramp as i gave mond a lift home just minutes ago.

so i started my ascend. by the time i reached the 5th floor, i was almost giving up. THEN, i actually saw that both the lift were actually working? there's even these 2 uncles talking, 1 in the lift and the other outside. what the fuck!?!? the other lift even just closed when i got there. they suddenly stopped and stared at me. they better not be the ones holding the lift, mother fuckers!! i thought of taking the lift up but it was just 3 storeys more, so i continued. i was so tired and angry when i finally reach my doorsteps. it was more like a workout already. argghh... ok now i'm back, ready to bath and sleep anytime. i can felt asleep right away now. i think thats it, hello and good bye.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Say Hello To Sunshine

seNGET crossed his heart at 10:48 PM  
alright i'm finally back for some updating. been really busy these days, always full of plans and activities. first thing first, i'm still suffering from my sore-throat, its been more than a week now. fuck, i hope i'm alright. i've been coughing like a uncle (thats what they all said), i really can't stop coughing. its not that i want to cough, it just have to come out. i was even advised by my bro to go x-ray to see if there's some virus or somesort. if this shitty sickness still don't recover in 2 days, i'm really going to the hospital. i haven't even tasted my favourite nasi-lemak at my work place for days now. its my last week now already, i wish i could at least taste it before i left. haha. oh yeah, my right toe is still injured due to the last 2 weeks collision with weitong. it hasn't even heal yet mainly cause i kept playing soccer and hurting the wound over and over again. its gonna be never-ending if i keep playing. now i can't really use my right foot, i need a break! seriously or i can't play soccer properly for now. damn. here are some updates:

last monday: work and then soccer at tp. when we were resting during soccer, had the idea of catching the movie, "land of the dead (M18)" but felki and charis aren't 18 year old yet so we actually thought of not watching it. after eating our dinner at 820, we decided to try to sneak them in. the most, the 2 couples would have to watch other shows. so after dinner, wenyan and i went to buy the tickets straight at century cineplex as it would be easier if i buy the tickets from my ex-colleuge. the 2 of us are like the only planners for rowdees. anyway, we got lucky and eventually bought the tickets without checking our identity card. now its up to the bouncer to see if the underages are able to get in. wenyan and i went back to change quickly and meet up with the rest at clock at 11pm cause the show starts at 11.45pm. when we were about to enter the cinema, realised that my boss was doing the bouncer job too! but we got lucky again and they didn't check felki and charis. ok the whole movie was pretty cool but some scene are really crap and makes no sense. it could have been better. after the movie, walked back and home sweet home.

tuesday: NATIONAL DAY! HAPPY B'DAY SINGAPORE! actually thought of going orchard for some walking but due to some disagreement and disencouragement, we didn't. instead, we went to tampines ndp carnival for a walk. met up with most of the rowdians and some others. its been quite long since a large group of us went out together. we walked around the carnival for awhile, its was super fucking crowded! we bought some waffles and drinks. well, for the drinks, i actually stole 2 of them cause the vendor wasn't even looking at me, he didn't even bother about me. i was there, almost infront of him trying to pay but he just somehow ignored me like i was freaking invinsible. i stood there for quite sometime and he just kept taking money from the others. so fuck it, i just walked away and luckily they didn't find out. hahaha. i hope its the last time i do that. we also took some pictures and in the end, due to the crowd, we went pavilion to play pool instead. after almost an hour of pool, we quickly rush back to somewhere near the carnival to see some fireworks. the fireworks were really awesome, its really once in a year thing for me. at that time, i feel really proud to be a singaporean. after the whole fireworks end, we all walked back to central park for soccer session. not forgetting having our dinner from 844 before starting the game. got back home at around 12+pm feeling satisfied.

wednesday/thursday: i remembered i went subway with wenyan after work and met up with keong and felki over there. i somehow couldn't remember whether its wednesday or thursday that we went there. but anyway, we had popeye for dinner and subway for supper. well, i bought home 1 for my mom and felki got the other for herself. then we all took a bus and went home. besides that, i think there's pretty much nothing else already. i cant seem to remember other details maybe cause its not memorable enough for me to get in my brain. hahaha.

friday: rushed back from work and got home and changed then off to wenyan's house for a little touch up on my hair. haha, i know i'm vain. then its off to pavilion kfc to meet up with the rest as they were already at pavilion kbox on the afternoon to celebrate albert's 17th birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BIRDIE!! a year more and he can finally join us at chinablack. haha. after the slight dinner, most of us head to chinablack, again. another group went to catch a movie as they were underage. so left qingan, weitong, ben, mond, paul, kianheng, tettet, wenyan, stacie and me. we met up with jeanette and her friend at tm and we all took a cab there. chinablack wasn't that crowded at first due to the fact that it wasn't saturday, but it slowly got crowded at the end. lawson and his gf joined us soon after, as well as alex and his new chick named mel. anyway, the time we spent at chinalback were mostly playing some fist game and the 3 times straight loser will have to dance cha cha for a few seconds. in the end, those who got forfeit were weitong, wenyan, paul and chinmeng. i did take pictures of them dancing but it wasn't that clear. if only i could video it down but it was too dark. and this time around, we didn't went to the dance floor often. weitong and ben didn't even went down at all. i would really love to see ben dance. muahaha. after sometime, ben was pretty tired and he got home quite early with lawson. oh ya, and weitong's new love joined us soon too. hahaha. ok the whole chinablack thing was rather fun but it could have been better if more people went together. at the end of the day, wenyan and tet tet got quite seriously drunk. haha. well, i've record it in my handphone, i could send you if you want, but wenyan will surely kill me. lol. we all took a cab back, leaving weitong and paul accompany his new love. mond and i sent wenyan back personally. and i quickly rushed home to sleep cause i still got work tomorrow!

saturday: slept for a mere 2 hours, and its shitty saturday with stupid work again. got home as quickly as possible when work ends cause i was really dead beat. stopped at vcd shop first and reached home about 2pm and slept till around 6.30pm before meeting qingan, dick, mond, khiaseng, chinmeng, weitong, charis, tiannee, peggie and wenyan for dinner at 827. then proceed to dick's house to watch man utd match. after the whole match ends at 10pm with man utd won, went to take a nap for awhile. mond came in to wake me up at around 12pm to go home together. we all need the rest cause its a big day the next day. its rowdees' first match in months! i was so anticipated and excited. i always have the feeling we will win.

sunday: apparently, i was wrong. we lost the match to asianbookie (sharks fc) with a scoreline of 3-4 at qiao nan primary. i was so sad and pissed! we hardly lose. its not just because we lost but the fact that we were actually leading 3-0 from the start and ended up conceding 4 goals. what the fuck, this isn't us. we didn't do our best, well at least i know i didn't. i can barely run, my fucking feet wound and the sore throat affected my performance. i totally suck, i wasn't useful at all. BUT i'm sure we've all learnt from our mistakes this time round and that we will never again lose. we lose no more. haha. we should really held trainings now and more matches. we need to get back on our tracks. after the match, had lunch at 137 and then a cab home. supposed to go wenyan's house soon but end up sleeping because of the heavy rain. after i got woken up by wenyan's call, went to her house and watch a lil' dvd before going tm with wenyan and paul while peggie headed home. met alex at small mac and we went pasta mania for dinner. walk around alil' bit and went ya kun to slack. after that, we made our way to dick's house to watch soccer match while alex the agua went home as usual. i finally left dick's house after watching the first half of chelsea's match cause i was tired already and there's fucking work the next day.

anyway, today is indeed monday's blue. work and everything suck. i was really coughing my way throughout the whole 9 hours. luckily i got to leave on time. rushed back as fast as i could to play soccer at tp with the rowdians cause i don't have much time left by the time i reach there. didn't went back with wenyan as she was on mc. cheater! haha. well, basically hurt my wound again and now its back to the original wound that i had. seems like its not recovering at all. after soccer, went ocha to drink for awhile before returning dvd and going back home for my dinner. IT was pretty scary today. ok i'm done with this blogging shit soon. its like my bed time already and i still haven't bath. hahahaha. arggh.. work again tomorrow. work sucks! fuck work! just 5 more agonizing days! i hope i can endure it. i thought the last week would be easy, but i was wrong.its completely harder than i thought.

i actually got some picture ready to post but i'm just too lazy cause it takes quite some time to upload. some maybe another time.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Knife Blood Nightmare

seNGET crossed his heart at 10:56 PM  
my throat still fucking hurts, but at least the blood is gone. maybe because i haven't been consuming my medicines on time. especially during weekends as i always woke up late. i had to eat first before consuming my 3 times a day medication but i always end up eating late and that result me in only consuming 1 time a day which pretty much kinda have NO EFFECT!! i better start eating it regularly now otherwise thats no point at all. bloody sickness, i wanna heal soon, so i can enjoy my NDP holiday with GREAT FOOD and HAPPY MOOD. and i can't wait to eat 'carl's jr', paul promised me a 20% discount. wahaha, it sure look fucking delicous (i swear it is), the size of the burger is just what i always wanted, freaking huge! hope i could taste it soon. oh my god, now i'm hungry. oh ya, i just received my handphone bill and it fucking cost $192!!!! what the fuck man. i swear i won't use the agile messenger (msn) on my phone ever again unless if urgent. fuck, now i have to use my salary to pay this stupid bill. wasted! still, i'm gonna check with starhub about some enquiries of the bill as i find it so confusing and cheating. they better not make any mistakes about the bill cause it seems too much. from a standard $40 bill to $192. its a big jump, a really BIG JUMP!! how could i spend so much just on data packets? thats what i'm gonna find out.

anyway, on friday, met up with wenyan at bugis after work. then went to find qingan, ben, chinmeng, hock and albert at kfc. had our dinner there before heading to sim lim as ben was planning to buy mp3. in the end, after some walking around, he bought 2 512mb mp3, 1 for him and the other for his younger sister. what a brother man! i wish i had that kind of brother. haha. then we made our way to tm for yet another walking with ben purchasing 2 tees and chinmeng with a ear stud. slacked at central park for awhile before we all finally went home as early before 11pm cause its going to be the 1st day of the hungry ghost festival. spooky isn't it.

saturday, after work was the celebration of 2 of my colleuge's birthday. got to eat like 2 huge chocolate cake despite my agonizing throat. i left soon after cause its way past my knock off time. rushed home as early as possible cause axn was showing lost's finally 5 episode. i remember i was told by someone who said that there'll only 1 season but actually its not! i thought it would be the end after eagerly watching the finally episode, i was wrong. now i have to wait for the 2nd season for i wonder how long. damn! the storyline is still as good and i'm sure alot of people are anticipating for the 2nd season. we're still kept in the dark on whats really on the island. ok after show, took a small nap before cycling to 844 to buy my food and then on to wenyan's house. weitong, mond, qingan and sharon were already there. we were supposed to watch vcd, "the island" but we end up watching the chinese variety show. at about 10pm, went downstairs for our usual soccer. we play at the hockey court and luckily no police showed up. after hours of playing and some pushups, i'm left with a flaming scatch on my knee and feet. imagine the pain while you're bathing. haha. it sure fucking burns and i can't even walk properly now. stopped at 7-11 for a lil' refreshment before finally going back home. its already the hungry ghost festival and we even went home so late despite our family's warning. i guess it depends if you really believe in these kind of things. i don't think i actually believe, i don't know. its like its all in your head. we grew up listening and exposed to these kind of media and stories. and that makes us what we are now. so i suppose we don't really know whats out there unless we experience it ourselves. by the way, i watched "creep" before i went to bed and it sure is fucking gruesome. the entire m18 show suck cause of the storyline but most the scene can be really violent. i feel like closing my eyes but i managed through. hahaha.

anyway there's pretty much no activity on sunday. woke up really late and then went downstairs to buy the game, "world of warcraft" and then to dick's house to try and install. but turn up there was an error. so end up watching "fantastic four" at his computer together with chinmeng. then went back again to the game shop to change a ps2 and xbox games. bought home my dinner to eat and its like my first meal of the day at 7.30pm! and now, i'm here doing nothing but blogging. sleeping pretty soon cause another god damn work tomorrow. just 2 more weeks! yeeehaaa. ok world of warcraft really fucking rocks. i still haven't got to try it but the trailer itself is enough to make one go ga-ga over it man. its true! however, the cost of the game alone is quite alot, plus the monthly payment of $35. i sure have to be filty rich to play it. any rich ladies willing to be my date?

alright some new movies are coming up soon as i've been checking out some trailers. and there's this particular one which i find it pretty funny, its "the dukes of the hazzard" starring 'sean william scott' and 'jonny knoxville'. i really love this quote from the movie. here it goes:

johnny to unamed: "i'm mr ichinawa and this is my colleuge, mr yokotakanoshi"
unamed to scott: "konichiwa"
scott to unamed: "right on!"
unamed to scott: "are you japanese?!?"
scott to unamed: "i converted"

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Smile In Your Sleep

seNGET crossed his heart at 10:01 PM  
FUCK! MY SORE THROAT IS BACK! and its back with BLOODY PHLEGMS AGAIN! god damn it. i've always told my self to control but in the end, i still end up eating fried shitty stuffs. well, now i suppose i really have to control or else i won't get to eat my favourite nasi lemak at my work place canteen. argghh...

ok, i was suppose to go clubbing with farhan and the rest of ex-it1c homies at cheeky monkey cause its farhan birthday tomorrow! but too bad i wasn't feel well and tired, anyway they also haven't contact me yet. so forget it, its better to relax and rest at home. anyway, met up with wenyan after work today as usual and went tm to get her photos develop and then cs to buy her shampoo. bumped onto maychan while waiting for the bus and we all went back together. i stopped at vcd shop for awhile first to return my dvd and also to see if there's any new shows to rent but too bad there wasn't. met up with keong and felki for awhile as he returns me my 7 bucks and we went to the game shop to browse before making our way home. watched some tv while waiting for my dinner to arrive. in the end, finised my noodle plus some fried rice that my mom cooked! FRIED? can u believe it!?!?! and i was just talking about controlling just now. shibby. i feel like taking MC tomorrow but i'd feel guilty again cheating the doctor. haha. i just have to bare through this week and then, there's only 2 fucking weeks left! HURRAY! i can't wait to get out of this hell hole. after attachment, i'll enjoy just a mere 1 week of holidays and back to school.

alright, i'm making a long post today. looks like i haven't been posting alot of pictures. like what people said, pictures paint a thousand words. so here's some COOL PHOTOS for you to enjoy. its all taken from my phone so the quality may not be above the cut. enjoy!

we were at century square's "wang jiao". from the looks of the photo, the breads sure seems delicious but actually, it suck! "ya kun" is really alot better, except that its freaking hot over there. never go "wang jiao" my friends, unless you love shitty breads. wahaha.

so i suppose the thumbs up, actually means its sucks. hahaha.

they are real posers, even in the toilet. opps, can you see a woman behind them zipping her fly? alright i'm just kidding you perverts!

the weird couple. the witch and her prince. haha.

weitong's trying hard not to make his classic: the fuck up face!

wenyan is always acting cute. its a fact.

and the same goes to albert!

now the 2 of them are posing together. what a match.

ok, qingan is the legendary poser of rowdees too.

cool. am i at the underwater world? thats some huge f***!

lining up for the birthday song for rykiel.

weitong hates the camera, or maybe he's just afraid that his fuck up face could be taken.

qingan loves to pose for the camera, unlike weitong.

the ns man!! he's a scary son of a bitch.

oh hey. thats me! so what the fuck you're looking at? ok i know i'm weird.

this was taken on our way to chinablack last saturday. and weitong is happy because he knows he'll be grinding some chicks later over there. hahaha. cheeky mother fucker.

look! he's smiling again. he must be thinking, "OH I CAN'T WAIT TO GRIND WITH SOME CHICKS LATER ON!"

oh my god! paul is happy too? hmmm..... or was it the one on the right? huehuehue

holy shit, tet tet is checking out that chick's ass behind wenyan. haha!

mond is practising on how to suck ****. ok i'm kidding. he's not as gay as weitong.

ok thats all for now, more will be uploaded soon when i have the time and more new photos. and if you want the video of weitong getting drunk and some hot but fucking weird dude dancing. just tell me.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Scary Kids Scarying Kids

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:18 AM  
alright i'm finally back from some updating. anyway, today is monday and i didn't go to workat all! haha. planned to take mc later at the clinic cause i'm too fucking lazy to get my ass down to the poly clinic. i'm sure its worth the money. and damn, i still haven't went to get my replaced ezlink at pasir ris as it was spoilt again last friday. i'm so fucking pissed with it. i hope this time round, there would be no problem regarding the amount of money i had inside my ezlink. they better make sure it contains at least 27 bucks as i had my concession which ends till 21st august and a $10 top -up 2 weeks ago. or else i'm fucking gonna scold the hell out of them. eat-money mother fuckers. arggh.

ok last weekend was pretty happening but it sure ends in a flash. like its already monday now. if only time stand still. on friday, was supposed to go pasir ris to take weitong's racket after work but BIG THANKS to my ezlink which end up me going back home first. changed and went straight to 870+ to meet up with the rest of rowdians for rykiel's 21st birthday celebration at her cousin house. weitong, qingan, ben, albert, paul and wenyan. james joined us later. we had buffet for dinner and it was pretty much delicious or maybe i was just too hungry. hahaha. stay there for quite awhile, sitting around taking pictures, videos and doing some other weird funny stuffs. at around 10.45, we all left. we was supposed to play soccer but i was too tired and there's work tomorrow, i passed. in the end, most of them didn't go and was only left afew plus kuku who were playing.

saturday, work up early for work and thank god i wasn't as late as i was last few days ago. after waiting eagerly, work was finally over and we were released 15 mins early as we all got nothing to do. it was raining so heavyily and i've got no choice but use a pathetic newspaper to cover me all the way to the bustop which is rather far. took a train all the way to pasir ris to finally take weitong's racket at iklash's home. due to some miscalculations and misunderstandings, i had to walk back 2 bustops after i alight and its so fucking FAR. after taking the racket, planned to take a cab back as i look weird holding a racket without any covers. but due to the rain, all the cabs seems to be unavailable. after waiting anxiously for like 30 mins, i finally took a bus to pasir ris interchange, then a train back to tampines interchange and at last, a bus home. the first thing i got home was, TV: LOST!! its getting more exciting by the episodes but the ending sure suck. next week would be the last 5 episodes. how can i possibly miss that. i'm rushing home to watch it man. after the show, slept till 6pm before getting all ready and prepared for chinablack. met up with qingan, weitong, mond, wenyan and peggie at central park. walked to interchange and find tet tet at kfc for dinner. then we all headed to ochard, and waited for a few more to arrive at pacific plaza. kian heng and paul finally came but when we're just about to go in. paul's ezlink is not valid for entry and he needed his ic. so he waited for chinmeng to go his house to take and come here while the rest of us enter first. it was so much fun, especially to see most of us dance, you can never imagine that with the right mind. hahaha. play some pool right after we went in. some strangers came to play and i challenged him, can't believe i won him! hahaha. hey, i'm not being proud here ok. i was feeling so nervous playing with him, that my hands were like shaking and sweating. anyway, chinmeng and paul came in soon plus alex joining us sometime later. most of them are just drinking and smoking all the way. this time round, we were like dancing most of the time. haha. its really enjoying and we kinda like anyhow dance. we were just moving with the beat or perhaps, maybe not. THAT WEIRD DANCING DUDE was there too, and thank god i capture the video of him dancing in my phone. it sure is WEIRD, well i meant the dancing and him too. he's a REAL LONER, or maybe no one wants to be seen with him after he danced. hahaha. we finally left the place at around 4+ and we went macdonald for a lil supper/breakfast. weitong was pretty drunk and it funny to see him in that state. he sure talk weird. haha. luckily i got the video of him, so if you guys want it, just tell me. ok, after food, was cab straight home! i was so dead tired that i didn't even bothered bathing.

sunday, was awoken by fiona who wanted to go gym. i could have slept more but i guess its just my luck. haha. met up under her block and walk to sports hall. she was using the treadmill and other running equipments while i was just plain carrying weights and some situps. i totally pushed myself but fiona don't ever believe me. she keep saying i didn't do much. i'll prove to her one day. haa. went cc macdonald's for lunch and to takeaway for keong and felki. rented 'resident evil: apocolypse' dvd first before heading back to her house. play gunz, use the computer, watch some tv and help fiona with her school work before finally going back home with keong and 12. anyway it was mostly their ideas who kept me from going work today. hahaha. but i'm glad they did. i sure need the break.

alright alright, thats all for my update today. i'm gonna rest now. anyway going to meet qingan at around 2pm later after his school and then soccer at tp at 5pm. i can't wait, i haven't even touched the ball this whole week. WORK SUCKS! just 3 more goddamn weeks! muahahahaha.

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