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Symptoms of A Failing Heart

Saturday, July 31, 2004

Rock On!!!

seNGET crossed his heart at 9:07 PM  
todays jamming was quite cock up but it was totally fun even though we jammed for 1 hr. the whole thing was worthwhile. next time, we must PLAN WELL first before coming to jam. haha. also, afiq's brother was really good at guitar. i thought we could finish our last song, "master of puppets" but the uncle just don't allow. its totally bullshit!! the equipment are very fuck up (no double pedal), the uncle don't even let me to adjust my bass pedal (maybe they don't even know how to). we even still have to pay 1 more buck because we have 8 people in the jamming studio (only 7 are allowed). what fucking nonsence is this man. anyway, after jamming we went to ate KFC and then took a stroll in CS and TM. i was playing percussion freak at CS and there was this malay crowd surronding me and watching me play and cheer for me everytime i complete every stage (the girls were the most enthuastic). haha, now thats something weird and funny which u hardly see everyday or maybe i'm just too good. HAHAHA. after walking so much, i finally left for Paul's house as they were playing mahjong. but it was quite a wasted trip as i have to get home by 8 when i just reached there at 6, i was even sleeping all the way over there. now i'm back home, just finishing eating my dinner. rather FULL and FAT now. think i'm goin to watch vcd, "Confessions Of A Teenage Drama Queen" soon.

House Of Flying Dagger

seNGET crossed his heart at 12:05 PM  
yesterday went to my cousin's western stall at 201 there. eat quite alot over there then after that, went and play soccer and basketball. so tired. then at night went to pavilion to play pool with my cousins again. after playing finish, went to watch midnight movie with rowdees. AN ADVICE TO U ALL, DON'T WATCH "House of Flying Dagger". it was a total regret. NO MORE CHINESE SHOWS EVER!! it was so boring and EXERGARATING!! totally fuck up. we should have watch "I-Robot" instead. next time, trust the newspapers' movie rating. now feeling very tired. just woke up at 11.10 am despite sleeping at 3.30 am last night. and soon its time for some JAMMING!!! with my classmates. hope i don't disappoint them as those songs i hardly listen. all da best to me.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:51 PM  

Kris & Senget Posted by Hello

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:49 PM  

Smiley Faces Posted by Hello

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:48 PM  

Senget & Yan Posted by Hello

rock climbing PHYSICAL TRAINNING!!!

seNGET crossed his heart at 10:58 PM  
today the rock climbing physical trainning damn POWER!!! super tough and hard. at the start of the training, run outside school compound 2 laps sial!! its like 3.2 km of running and 0.4 km of sprinting plus its like YEARS since i ever run so hard. after that worse, do 60 situps + 40 burpies + 50 jumping jack + 40 push up. and after 10 mins break, dash to pull-up bar. those who run behind the leader do 10 push up but luckily i run fast. haha. then do 8 pull-up infront and 3 pull-up from the back + 20 different kind of push up which i don't really know how to explain. when done already dash back to the rock wall, as usual slow runners have to do push ups and this time, i was one of the unlucky ones as the leader is already way ahead of me.

now its time for some rock climbing, all must climb 2 times continously which i didn't really complete. i belayed first and then climb, my arms were already killing me during belaying. so u should expect what happen when i climb ar (halfway again) hahaha. one thing to tell u guys, BELAYING is TOUGH!!! after the whole climbing stuff, we have alil bit intense physical training again man. DIE SIA THIS TIME~ we had to do 5 SLOW pull up by using a short edge of the wall (no pole cause it helps train ur gripping) after that, more SITUPS, PUSHUPS and LIFTING ur legs and arms HIGH UP THE SKY for like so fuckin long!!!! that was totally hard and pain. finally it ended, with my hands and legs shaking trememdously. can't even hold my water bottle properly. think tommorrow wake up sure cramp, anyway don't even know if i can wake up at the first place. it sure is one bloody tough trainning after all BUT soon i know i can get rid of my fat tummy in no time. muahaha. i just have to bear with this every wed. good luck to me guys. NO MORE FAT TUMMY!!! YEAH!!!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Smallville Season Finale

seNGET crossed his heart at 10:59 PM  
nothing much for today. after school went to meet qing an, paul, alex, tet & wenyan for lunch but i ate already. so just wait for them to eat. after lunch, i just went home alone as most either need to go back to school or got work. when i reached the void deck, my bro came out of the lift. i told him to buy some snacks but he told me to follow him. so i just went back where i came from. haha. went to the bank, bought some maggie mee and rent a vcd "twins effect" (kinda lame actually) after watching 3/4, i fall asleep and slept till 7.30 then watch tv until now. so damn boring at home. luckily got some nice tv show to keep me entertained. also, today was smallville's season finale. not bad for a last episode but kinda sad its ending again, hope the next season come again fast if there is one.

Monday, July 26, 2004

My Fucking Monday

seNGET crossed his heart at 8:24 PM  
i hate monday. today was late for school. i actually woke up already but i feel so tired. so i went back to sleep and only came to school at 10 am. therefore, i missed my assembly and 2 hrs of Computer Communication. todays 2 hr break went to play cs with the malay classmates. quite fun. then after school got bball selection which i didn't get selected, damn. still got chance but i'll see how. the selections ends quite early so i still went for rock climbing training. this time still can't conquer it. what the fuck. nvm i'll do it on wed!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Crazy Chalet!!! What a Day....

seNGET crossed his heart at 7:22 PM  
this was one FUN, EXCITING, MARVELOUS, FANTASTIC and WONDERFUL chalet. but it just ends so fast. now theres school due for tommorow. damn, so sad man. but now, lets not talk about school. lets start with the chalet, i'm gonna describe every single part of it.

in the morning, there was a NE talk for some of the rowdees. so left the rest of us to buy the chalet food and then met up with the rest. but things don't quite turn out the way we wanted. we were suppose to meet like 11, but it seems no one gave me morning call and i woke up at 11 plus. i quickly gave a call to ben and he told me to do down and meet traffic light ASAP. so i faster went to wash up and met up with him. then we went to 826 to meet up with the rest; qing an, hock, james and jason. as they were ordering food, so did i. also, it was then i realised there was a quarrel between james and paul. thats why paul wasn't there, and also wenyan who i think overslept or something. this kinda make most moody for the chalet. but i know we'll gonna make it through. after eating, i just felt a sharp pain in my stomach.so i went home with jason first and BERAK!! hahaha. when i came back, there were a few more people; albert, desmond, daojin and then chin meng. i also realise daojin kinda scar his face while breakdancing. haha cool~ after waiting for albert to finish his food, we quickly went to primemart to buy the stuffs we needed. after spliting up to buy some food and stuffs, we FINALLY finished. after much discussion, we decide to put the stuffs over at my house. they will be meeting 2.15 to come to take the stuffs and then take a cab to the chalet. but we were OUT-OF-SCHEDULE, as they were watching Blade 2 at my house. haha. so we only proceed to the chalet around 3pm.

i was on the second cab and halfway reaching, we got a call from ben that its not at Costa Sand but at Downtown East Chalet. it is so fuck up because all of us were prepare for the Costa Sand. i even bought my extra speakers and were all ready to swim when we arrive. things just don't turn out our way. so while waiting for the people from the first cab to arrive (luck i was on the 2nd cab otherwise must walk quite a distance), i and james went to KFC and eat. then we proceed to the entrance, tong and yan was already waiting there. it was a second floor chalet, totally fuck up and still have to pay 1 buck to go in. what nonsence. the chalet was so bloody small and tiny man. just imagine, 2 diff cd player blasting hardcore music and chinese' melodies in a small single room. HAHA. thats one thing u hardly see everyday.

when we were about to manrinate, we found out we forgot to take one plastic bag from my house which consist the tray and stuffs. sadly, ben, mond and i went to buy it as ben also need to book the bbq pit. lucky the bbq pit not so far away from our chalet room. when we came back, they said the food still haven't totally defrost. after an hour or so, i quickly went to defrost the food faster by adding hot water. buying chicken thights and breast is a mistake as chicken thights' and breast's meat is so thick. the thights even has BONES in them!! it took 1 hr plus to totally finish manrinating the food in the toilet. people like ben, hock, mond, meng and me were contributing. it was hard work and my hands were so wrinkled and itchy after manrinating. it was all LAST MINUTE manrinating, hope it taste good.

then, it was time for BBQ!!! tong went to start the fire and the rest bought the food and stuffs down. soon, we were all happily bbqing and munching our way throught the food. also, more people like (from first to last) tian nee, qian yu, bah geh, jason, ron, yuan, liling, tet, seng, charis, keong, felki, karen, alex, chee, dick, siew juan, daojin, kelly, peggie, yemin, cat finally came, hope i don't missed out anyone. everyone were all talking stuffs and tian nee the LFE CEO is really entertaining, telling us lame and nonsence stuffs about WILLY. hahahaha. WAYSR!?!?!?! i can see everyone is enjoyin, thats what this chalet is all about. the food was really NICE esp the chicken thigths. but my throat was just feeling so shitty. but i bear with it and ate as much as i could. halfway bbq, i even went to the arcade with dick to play the stupid percussion freak 3rd mix. it was lame. when i came back, it's about time that felki and karen needs to get home. when they were already walking to the entrance, i gave keong a call as i'll be accompanyin him because i was the one who called karen along for the bbq and its my job to send her home. finally after around half an hour looking sadly on the cab's meter and sending them back, we were back. the fare was high but i've no prob with it. =]

back to chalet, i quickly went up to catch some aircon and stay there till its morning. most were playin mini mahjong and some watching tv and some other still bbqing and sharing problems. all of us were still awake at 4am. we were all squeezing our butt on the bed. it was hard to sleep, with the lights and noise. but soon i was getting the hang of it, and i was on dreamland. i was sharing the bed with ron and i kept waking up halfway through. it was only until early morning, then the noise of mahjong, footsteps, talkings and goodbyes did not disturb me anymore, i finally slept peacefully till 10 plus. when we woke up, most were talking about how they slept and who were snoring and stuffs. it was rather funny. i was one of those who slept alot. haha. when we check the time, it was already way past the time we're supposed to check out, 10.30. we quickly wash up and pack up. we left the chalet at around 11am.

after check out, some decide to go home while some wanted to go makan. one cab went home while 3 other cab went to long john silver to eat. i order alot of food, but it was worth it. after eating, we then took a bus and went home. slowly one by one alight and went home. when i reach home, i was so tired i quickly went to take a bathe and prepare to sleep. but just before i sleep, i went to msn to chat for a while. when i lay on the bed, i went black out in a matter of mins.

i woke up at 7 and was so hungry. lucky there was one pancake left for me which kinda substained me for a while. but i think my family is going out to eat soon i hope. later maybe still going play soccer. don't know want to go not. but now i must go and type invoice for my dad already. see ya guys!!~

p.s. i feel like i'm writing an essay. anyway, time really flies, now the chalet is already over. so fast so sad.... FUCK school tommorow!!!! i still WANT TO ENJOY!!!! arggg!!!~ faster national day holiday!!! i can't wait till then...

Friday, July 23, 2004

Boring FRIEDay

seNGET crossed his heart at 5:15 PM  
same old shit happens today, SCHOOL, EAT, SOCCER, CHILL, AND MORE SOCCER!!! also, i've been eating like the same damn food everyday, chicken cutlet. somemore still got alot of BBQ food coming this weekend. i think my sore throat is gonna be never-ending. while playing soccer, the sun is so HOT!!! its killing me man. only after around 3 hrs of football with my classmates and ek and friends, it finally came to an end. i was so tired, my legs kept shaking so badly. as weitong was late for work, he came out with the idea of taking a cab home. i love that idea as he was paying too. haha.

when reached home, also same old shit. COMPUTER, BATH and SLEEP. now just woke up from my nap, already feeling rather hungry. was suppose to go buy chalet's food today but it was cancelled in the end. so there's no more plan for today because most are working. arggg.... so BORING!! can someone please entertain me.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

Thursday's BLUES

seNGET crossed his heart at 7:37 PM  
one of the LONGEST days of the week. from 8am to 5pm man. how bad can it gets, especially when theres a 2 hrs lesson from Mr Chang Wee Lee. and due to Mr Sunny's absence, we were suppose to combined class with another teacher, and guess whose the teacher is. MR CHANG WEE LEE!!! muahaha. therefore, there 4 hrs of Mr Chang's lesson. thats totally one of the worse 4 hrs of my life. lucky for 3/4 of the class, they get to go to Macpherson ITE for a CIP briefing. so i was one of those ill-fated people who has to stay back to listen to Chang's pathetic lessons. i actually wanna to char boh by faking that i have to go for the CIP briefing, but Chang is no stupid mother fucker. he check the student leave forms throughoutly and no leak. damn i should have went for that CIP at the first place. so i just bear with it and stay in class. thankfully, Chang agrees to let us go home 1 hr early as my class has already learned what he's about to go through with his class BUT he alway like to cheat our feeling. so in the end, we were only released 30 mins early. CHEATER CHANG THE DRINKER!!!

anyway after school, i met up with ben and weitong then wenyan too. we didn't stop by the vcd shop today cause i suppose there's no new vcds. after that, i bought the malay pancake at the pasa malam, 3 for 2 bucks. its totally delicious. i was captivated by it ever since my mom bought it home yesterday. I TOTALLY RECOMMEND IT MAN. TRY IT!! make it fast before the pasa malam is over. and i repeat is 3 for 2 bucks one, not 1 for 2 bucks one. don't go to the wrong stall. otherwise thats your problem. haha.

muahaha. can't wait for tomolo sch cause only 2 hrs lesson of CMAIN aka Computer Maintenance. somemore after school goin buy food for this weekend's chalet/bbq. just can't wait till the chalet. its gonna be a fun-and-laughter weekend for all.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

another Rock Climbing Day~

seNGET crossed his heart at 10:45 PM  
todays school was from 12pm to 5pm. so its one of those rare days that i can wake up late and sleep more!! and i even reached school early today. haha. anyway, nothing much happen today. only during break time, we went to safra for some pool. i didn't had my home clothes on so i just try to lend from the auntie at the counter. she hesitated but in the end, she stills lent it to me.
as usual, we were late for class again. hahaha. this time, Mr Seah was just alil' piss and he even took down some of our names but not mine. haha, lucky me. todays MMF lesson was totally fun. we get to play with our voice using the microphone and headphone. so, i just happily scream and shout my lungs out throughout the whole lesson. i record most of it but i kept delete it soon after cause my voice just simply SUCKS. after 2 short hrs, it was time for the DBF aka Database Fundamental lesson. it was the suckiest lesson of all lessons. the teacher, Mr Chang Wee Lee is so damn boring. i think almost 90% of the class weren't even listening or don't even understand. i hate DBF lesson. waste of time!! he alway say will end early if we cooperate but he alway let us go 15 mins late. so KISS MY ASS chang ma le chang wee lee (like wee lee music studio) BULLSHIT MOTHER FUCKER!!~

when the lesson is over, it was also after school time, and time for some rock climbing!! i just couldn't decide whether to go anot. i was so lazy and so is khairi. somemore today is Physical Training day. even worse, my classmates are playing soccer again. they alway play soccer when theres rock climbing, so tempting. arggg... while i was killing my brain cells, considering whether to go RC, wt they all suddenly appear and told me not to go cause they also want to play soccer. so i've no choice but not to go. attendence gone~ then we proceed our way to the street soccer court and play some mini matches against my classmates. after that, we went ocha to meet up with wenyan for some bubble tea and then, go home. after around 4 hrs, here i am now. ready to zzZZZ soon. so see ya guys tomolo, and for your info, its SUCKY THURSDAY!!! 8am to 5pm!!! MATI!!!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Late Tuesday

seNGET crossed his heart at 3:46 PM  
tuesday is one of the best day of the week. because school is from 8am to 12pm. todays first lesson was Sports and Wellness and i was late. i only wake up until ek called me at around 7.30am. thanks to him, otherwise i wouldn't be at school at all cause i forget to set my alarm. anyway, while i was rushing to school, a middle-age chinese guy came forward and asked me to help him type some chinese sms so he could send to someone as he didn't understand how to use his handphone. i was like "fuck man, i'm late for school!!" but due of my KIND and HELPFUL character, i've no choice but try to help him in any ways i could. HEHE =p. at first, i thought he's like those motherfucker whose trying to lend and steal my handphone or something. i was like so alert, kept looking around if there was an acomplice or something. i was ALL SO READY FOR ANY SHIT THAT COULD HAPPEN NEXT MAN. but i was wrong. nevertheless, i still need to be careful right. ok back to the chinese guy shit. he actually wanted me to type what "i now just started to work and i have no money, so if u got money, can u please lend me." i thought for a while and i just can't figure out how to type the first word's han yu ping yin. and my mind just kept saying "WE'RE LATE FOR SCHOOL DUDE!!" so i've no choice but to reject that guy. i just told him, "sorry uncle, i don't know how to type the chinese words" and i quickly walked away. phew~

when i reached school, i was 30 mins late. luckily the teacher haven't mark attendance. his name is Mr David and it was the first time i saw him as the previous week was a different teacher. so i quickly change to my PE entire and sit down to listen to some theory about the fats stuffs. to my surprise, I HAVE NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT THE TEACHER IS TALKING ABOUT. its not the theory i cannot understand but his accent that i cannot understand. the way he talk is so slang and funny, he has a kind of Japanese-talking-english accent. after 15 mins of "TALKING", it was time to play!! we quickly went to the street soccer court and play some soccer and was really late for the next lesson. Mr Seah is so totally piss off because of our latecoming. anyway, he soon get over it and started the MMF lesson.

(for your info, Mr Seah is our class advisor, in simple terms, form teacher. and he teachs us MMF aka Multimedia Fundamental.) i just love that lesson.

soon, it was after school. we were suppose to play soccer match against one of my classmates' friend but it was raining. so we end up goin pavilion to play some pool. we were in our school uniform but the people doesn't seem to care. so we open 2 tables and play for around 1 hr plus i think. haikal is really good at it. after that, we made our way home separately. and now, ITS TIME FOR ME TO TAKE A MINI NAP. muahaha.

Monday, July 19, 2004


seNGET crossed his heart at 8:43 PM  
today was the longest monday ever. from 8am - 5pm of school and rock climbing cca from 5.30 - 8.30!! luckily the lessons are not so boring but interesting. there is also a 2hr break in the middle. so i and the malay guys went to play cs at safra, but only half was playing, the rest just watch. it was really fun and exciting. haha. then next monday i guess we'll be goin to play pool/billard. so must bring home clothes.

rock climbing sure is TIRING. today is the first training session, we learn to tie ropes, belay and know all the equipments and stuffs used for climbing. when we're practising, we had to wear the harness which has to be so fuckin' tight. my **** is almost bursting out. haha. when it is time to climb, i was the first to belay one new guy i met. for the start, i almost let him fall to his death. but soon i manage to get hold of the whole thing and everything was goin well after that. after he came down, my hand was so damn sore and tired. now i know belaying is also tough. when its my turn to climb, i just cannot take it. i just wanted to give up halfway through, and i did. i can't even complete the easy one. SHIBBY!!~ but nevermind, i'll conquer it this wednesday or maybe next week. haha. anyway, this time after i came down from the wall, my hands and arm feel so fucked up. i just can't clench my fist, my wrist was so tight. its totally HARD WORK man. but i'm getting the hang of it. muahahaha. i'm gonna be a "PRO CLIMBER" soon!!! *not

Saturday, July 17, 2004

Rock Climbing Orientation

seNGET crossed his heart at 9:30 PM  
today was suppose to go rock climbing orientation at 8am, but i didn't. i was so tried due to yesterday's mid-night show. i forced myself to woke up at 7am, then i realised it was raining so as most people would do, i went back to sleep. cause i was so damn lazy to take a cab or even bring a umbrella. halfway through sleeping, khairi sms me. i forgot i was meeting him. haha. but anyway i didn't reply and he called me back at around 9.30. he told me the orientation was nothing much. luckily i didn't go. they didn't even mark attendance, then still tell me what compulsory. another bullshiat. anyway, 'King Arthur' is not bad. i recommend it man. it just rocks. RIDE!!!!

when i woke up again at 1pm, i went to use to computer and use for a while. then weitong ask me to go makan and meet 1.30pm at traffic light. i quickly went to bath and meet them to eat at 826. after eating, we went to rent vcd and go to my house and watch. when watching the first show 'Fool Proof', almost everyone was sleeping except for khia seng and me. the second show 'Along Came Polly' was better, no one was sleeping except most of them were playin' MINI majong. after watching halfway of the third show 'American Werewold In Paris', we stop and went to 829 and eat. after that, we rent more vcd and went to wenyan's house to watch. but in the end never cause we decided to play soccer at 10pm. so in the meantime, i now go and play wenyan's bro's military guns. HAHAHAHA. its FUN!!!

Friday, July 16, 2004

King Arthur

seNGET crossed his heart at 7:41 PM  
today after school, it was raining. so when we were walking home, we were all wet. we were suppose to meet qingan they all for lunch but because of the stupid rain, it was cancel. luckily we ate at the school canteen already, or else i would be so HUNGRY... the first thing i got home was to settle down and watch "OLD SCHOOL". it is one bloody damn totally hilarious movie especial will farrell, he sure is funny. haha. i kept laughing all the way throughout the show. after finishing the show, i was still bored and so, i watched another show called "EUROTRIP" which has just finish downloading. the show was really very funny and dumb. both the show even has those 'boobs showing' part. which i can say is really spendid. HAHA!! u guys should really watch them.

anyway, now i've just woke up from my mini nap, still feeling rather drowsy. later still going to watch mid-night 12.30am show, "KING ARTHUR" at GV Tampines Mall with 12 other rowdians. haha. its gonna be one hell of a terrific show (i hope). i've already book the tickets in advanced so i hope we will be sitting at the middle rows otherwise its gonna be fuck up. however, tomolo still got a stupid rock climbing orientation at 8am. i scare later cannot wake up. somemore its compulsory. they even call and disturb me when i was taking my mini nap. argg. to go or not to go...

Thursday, July 15, 2004

nice but HEAVY song for everybody!!

seNGET crossed his heart at 10:26 PM  
"Lip Gloss And Black" - Atreyu


Aren't you tired of being weak?
Such rage that you could scream, all the stars right out of the sky.
And destroy the prettiest starry night. every evening that I die...


So much more bitter and cold........


Aren't you tired of being weak?
Such rage that you could scream, all the stars right out of the sky.
And destroy the prettiest starry night. every evening that I die...

LIVE!!! LOVE!!! BURN!!! DIE.....


seNGET crossed his heart at 5:58 PM  
guess what?!?! the fucking DM told me my hair is still long cause it still touches the collar. fuck u man!! most of the people all has their hair touching the collar. this no use son of a biatch DM is totally BULLSHIT. talk nonsence all the way. still say that if monday never cut hair then get caught will be sent home straight away. tell u what Mr Sunny, i don't give a shit. the most go home, i rather sleep at home. i'll NEVER, i repeat, NEVER cut my hair!! never ever ever ever ever... but MAYBE when its really long after a few months. mother fucking DM.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

nice HAIRCUT!?!?!

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:32 PM  
the school today was totally boring. i even got caught by my IT department's Discipline Master because my hair was too long at the back. he almost made me and the others who were caught to sign a paper which is like a contract, stating we will cut/dye our hair by friday or else we will be suspended. shit man. even want us to give them our parent's hp number so they can contact our parents about our hair. luckily its my first time so no need. nevertheless, today i just realised one of my classmates, mirah has the same birthday as me. FINALLY, i found someone with the same birthday. yeah!! haha. nice~

after school, i met up wif eng keong and guys and went to ocha for a drink. i told them about the haircut thing and weitong and ek too wants to cut their hair. then ek has the idea of asking felki to cut our hair as she has "past experiences" or should i say "past experiment" with ek's hair. but its not a bad idea actually cause its free or maybe cheaper. so i intend to give it a try. at around 8pm i went to tonbang ek then weitong say he too pai sae to go. so only the 2 of us then went to bought some stuffs and went up felki's house. the house has really changed since the last time i saw it, its much more nicer now. anyway, i had my "free" haircut and "free" dinner there which is rather embarassing though. i was actually suppose to go and play basketball with Xiao Gui but like ususal, i didn't cause it was too late and far. hope they don't blame me. then after that at around 10pm, i went to find weitong they all at street soccer court to play soccer. they told me my hair is not very nice. haha. no choice, short can already, just hopes the DM likes it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


seNGET crossed his heart at 8:00 PM  
the school today is very fun. got the sports and wellness lesson which we need to measure your weight, height and total % of fats and stuffs with a special machine. it shows ur body's fat%, fat mass, weight of muscles and etc. so u can check whether your right leg/left leg or right arm/left arm are equal as each other and also your trunk's fats and muscles. i have no idea what a trunk is but my friends all say its the tummy area. mine only left arm fatter than the right. haha. oh ya, when it measured my weight. i am 73kg!!! what the fuck man. from 70.5kg to 73kg is a big jump. really need a diet. but my total fats% is 16.6%. normal guys should be 20% and below. so can say i'm low in fats and based on that machine, i'm practically fit and healthy!! haha. but weird thing about the machine is one of my friend who is about the same size as me actually has a total fats% of 43.6 or smething. thats weird. maybe theres a problem with the machine or my friend's ass is TIGHT!! haha. and also, terrence chia is now a so-called alien. cause the machine went ERROR!! on him for like 4 times!! lol. maybe he has too much current flowing inside him.

the last lesson after school. teacher actually gave us break till 11.15am but we took advantage of it. he said not to go to the canteen but khairi, shait, haikal and i were just too hungry to wait for after school. so we went to the canteen to eat western food. when we came back to class at 11.25pm, the teacher didn't scold or ask so we thought everything was alright. just before the class end, he told us that those who didn't came back by 11.15pm had their attendence marked 0. FUCK!~ sad to say, alot of the class get that 0.

after school, i met qing an, paul, james, alex, wenyan and tian nee for lunch. james and paul went out to take their photograph for their security pass straightly after lunch. then, the rest of us waste quite alot of our time at the vcd shop without even leaving with one vcd. after that, some of them had to go back to school so left me and qing an all alone together to walk home. haha.

at home, i straight away went to bed and slept like a PIG from 2pm to 7.30pm. so here i am now, still feeling rather tired though. now its DINNER TIME!! time to EAT!! but i must control myself =p peace out~

Monday, July 12, 2004

School SUCKS!! After School ROCKS!!

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:50 PM  
today wake up damn early cause weitong, ben and i decide to go eat macdonald before school. it was suppose to open at 7am but it didn't. we were the first customer. as the manager open the door i wanted to go order the food but she say it was not ready yet, so i sat down and wait and talk for a few mins, then suddenly 1 bloody idiot come in and order straightaway. fucking hell~ waste our time sitting there. no respect for us. and we were LATE FOR SCHOOL. lucky teacher no scold.

the lesson at school was totally boring and somemore study till 5pm. times flies and it was after school time. can say that was one of the happiest moments of my life. haha. cause i was almost sleeping in class, plus in class, my computer cannot go internet!! whats a computer without internet dude. it was rainning after school. must walk quite a distance to reach the vcd shop and was drench all over. then go collect the "agent cody banks 2" dvd which is rather lame. kinda regret, waste my 2 bucks. i watch halfway then i off already.

i look at the clock and it was 7.45pm, basketball time!! we were suppose to meet 7 at changkat cc but guess what. when i arrive, there was no one but me. they're even later than me!! lucky 10 mins later they came. the whole basketball thing is totally tiring man. versus some uncles, got win and lose. i straightly went home when it was 10pm. lazy to stay there cause must go home EAT!! on the way home go collect "honey" dvd from weitong then bought some tibits. at home realise mother cook porridge(HATE IT!!) so i go cook 2 packet of curry maggie mee, so tomolo i'm prepare to BERAK and shit the hell out of the toilet!! however, i kinda look forward for school tomolo cause lesson only 8-12 and the lesson all shiok one. MUAHAHAHA... 12 then can meet wenyan they all go makan. so overall, it's a great day tomolo.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

GrandMa's Birthday Part II

seNGET crossed his heart at 7:50 PM  
back from grandma's birthday celebration. the food was fantastic and i am totally full but my throat damn sore from all those oily stuffs. also, now then i realise my grandma's house has already finish its renovation. the interior is very nice, feels very refreshing when ya inside. just wish my house could do the same. anyway, on the way home, i bought a dvd/vcd player. muahaha, finally can watch dvd. 99 bucks only but then the vcd shop offer me a lil' less than 99, too bad i already bought it otherwise could save a few more bucks. after i went home put down the dvd player still must go downstairs play soccer. TIRED but no choice. TOMOLO STILL GOT SCHOOL!! BORING!! SCHOOL SUCKS!!

GrandMa's Birthday

seNGET crossed his heart at 2:51 PM  
today i woke up at 1.30pm man, damn tired. woke up straight away go and use the computer and saw 2 new testimonial at friendster. one by wenyan and another by kim hong. so i decided to write wenyan one as i don't know what to write for kim hong. wrote one damn bloody long testimonial for yan, took me around 10 mins to think of it. hope she appreciate it. anyway, now i gotta go bath already. goin' grandma house celebrate her birthday and cut the cake first then later go restaurant and eat. MUAHAHA... can't wait to eat the food but too bad, it's vegetarian. =[ i'll write this blog later. see ya~

Saturday, July 10, 2004

Boring Saturday~

seNGET crossed his heart at 11:47 AM  
alrite today is a damn boring day when i woke up. i was washing up when i realised the damn tooth paste was finish. damn~ so i didn't really brush my teeth properly *opps* anyway, i was using the computer all day long. halfway through, i stopped and ate my delicious famous amos cookies. muahaha. fucking nice. after that i went to bath and prepare to go tm with qa they all. i was late (as usual =p) and we spent alot of our time at tm walking around aimlessly and then went to pavilion to play a few hrs of cs. after that we went to eat macdonalds (shiok) but i was getting fatter and fatter. shiat!~ i really need some diet man. then we make our way to wenyan's house by bus. now i'm at her house half watching vcd and half writing this blog. ok the vcd is ending soon and i think its time for me to go. still need to wake up early tomolo... shibby~

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