CNY this year is one hell of a blast! it just gets better each year and i'm sure next year is gonna be better. except that my red packets are getting lesser each year!! i received just about $250 compared to $300+ the previous years. argh, what the hell. the more i grow, the more it shrinks. this is not good. anyway, i've been enjoying myself and having so much fun that only until today, i have the time to blog.
27th january, friday: missed school that day as i went back to my old secondary school for their cny performance. i was there with mond, albert, paul, alex, wenyan, kelvin, kuku, black and bah geh at around 11.15pm. when we're trying to get in the main gate, the OM was fucking retarded to say that colored hair cannot entered. i really don't get it, why no colored hair? this is total bullshit! in the end, colored hair like albert, alex, kelvin and black couldn't get in, so they waited outside for us. inside there, i still see a few of others ex-jyssian with colored hair who managed to sneak in by wearing cap and stuffs. how STUPID can the OM be. jyss is indeed getting shittier these days. luckily we're all out.
at first, i thought the cny performance would suck, just like every year. but i'm surprised that this time round, its alot more entertaining. best of all the cny performance i seen for the past 6 years. haha.
after the performance, the rest of us proceed to tm for a lil' walk while alex went back to school. over there, albert was the STAR as it was rather crowded there and alot of people could regconize him. some girl even managed to take a few photos with him cause i know albert couldn't resist them. haha. as we still have some time left, we went to play billard at pavilion first before going back home to freshen up for our steamboat later in the evening.
we were trying to snap a picture with our star idol as well. by 6.30pm, all of the rowdians already met up at central park's clock for our reunion dinner and we walked over to the mrt station to take the train. in no time, we were at simei's han river. previously last week, wenyan had already made a booking of 22 heads at 7.30pm but to our misfortune, the person-in-charge told us that our booking wasn't valid. lousy service. in the end, we had to wait until 8.15pm before all of us had our seats.
the food wasn't as delicious as i thought except that their hotdogs are super juicy! still, we should have had our reunion dinner at sakura or some other place instead. no more han river next time i hope.
26 and 28.
the year of the dog.
ron hereby wishing you guys a horny new year 2006.
"yo whats up?!"
senget the photographer.
the 2 siao kia.
5, 26, 11
big fish turns ron on.
if you see our faces, you will die.
the picture doesn't fit the frame.
felki craving for wenyan's ice cream.
i have a fetish for ice cream.
everyone in rowdees love ice cream.
never forget about desert after a splendid meal.
they love juicy hotdogs, and am i.
plaster fingers!

they had no idea why i shook they hands out of the sudden.
and this is what happen 5 minutes before. i simply just left my finger near hock's nose and it was he himself who stuck his nose right into my finger. gross.
27, 5, 22

hock and i suddenly had the urge to take a lot of photos together.
we eat and take photo at the same time.
do you know that half of all the steamboat photos contains tian nee?
qingan and wenyan trying to steal the lime light, unsucessfully.
craziness after a full meal.
some of us sleep after we eat.
i don't know what they were doing.
the longest couple in rowdees.
tian nee trying to take photos with everyone.
wenyan and albert trying to advertise each other, egg and bird egg.
we support eggs as well.
not forgetting smelly eggs too! haha.
this is wenyan.
no! wenyan, answer me! please!
can you spot me?
ben look as if he was eating shit.
our free yu shen, thanks to our soon-to-be birthday girl.
rowdees are all posers.
ah mond trying to squeeze his shit out.
i can tell albert doesn't want to take photo with peggie.
we are as messy as always.
2 good friends.
2 gay friends.
we always occupy the whole escalator.
the photogenic fellows.after dinner, it was back to tampines. some of us went to pavilion for counterstrike while a few others play pool instead. for the girls, they went to collect our movie tickets of "fearless" first before joining us for counterstrike as well. it was fun killing each other in the game especially the girls who are simply freefrag. haha.
15 minutes before our movie starts at 11.45pm, we stopped our game and proceed to buy our snacks and drinks at century cineplex. alex and ron's 2 friends joined us for the movie too. in total, 25 of us watched the movie. well, i should say the movie, "fearless" wasn't really that nice. a 6.5/10 rating. do catch it if you're a big fan of thoes kung fu shits, plus, its jet li's last film.
after the movie, we waited for some of them to smoke outside the lobby first before walking back to central park for soccer. most of them play soccer with the kukus while the rest headed home. as for me, i was at felki's house to collect some leftover bbq food from her mom before going home to sleep.
trying to act cute.
our evil japanese general.
we always wanted to do that.
albert see chun han.
the already extinct t-rex.
the smokers.
stoning as usual.
it is rare to see nini taking picture.
star idol at his best.
alex with his pathetic face.
the ever posing benjamin lim. 28th january, saturday:first of all, happy 20th birthday to peggie! wish you all the best in everything you do and hope you've enjoyed your big day.
immediately after i woke up in the morning, had the leftover bbq food for breakfast with my family. it was then slacking at home the whole day. it was only during the evening, that i went over to my auntie's house for our family reunion dinner. after dining, dad drove us back home to change first before going down to central park for night soccer as normal. the whole lot of us play till around 1am before finally going home to rest for the big day tomorrow.
29th january, sunday:the first day of chinese new year! i was up as early as 10.30am to prepare for the big day. i didn't really have a good night sleep but i still managed to get up after my mom's many attempts of shouting at me. haha.
first stop, it was my auntie's house again for breakfast. then on to another relative's house for a short visitng and on to my grandma's house which is nearby. we were there for quite some time before going back home to rest as my dad and brother are both tired.
my cousin's beautiful model dog.napped till night time, which is just nice for my dinner of instant noodle. melvin actually told me to meet them for gambling at nicholas' house but i didn't go. well, thank god i didn't cause last i heard, they lost alot of money to the banker who consist of sylvester, ivan and his friend.
so intead of losing my precious money, i walked to central park's water melon to meet paul, qingan, albert, james, jason and wenyan. we slack and talked for quite some time before crashing to my place for soccer watching and cny food munching. it was only until the final whistle that they left for home and me ending up on my bed.
30th january, monday:a short house visiting till the afternoon, then back home for gaming before my real god sis, gigi and her family came over to my house. after some time, they left for my auntie's house. soon, my mom came to nag me to join them for my uncle's house. at first, my brother and i were reluctant to go as we'll be joining the rest of the rowdian soon for MOS later. in the end, we were left with no options amd were forced to go.
over there, had dinner there at my uncle's house and so catching up with my cousins. not forgetting, i received some comments from my relatives like me looking like a mat because of my eyeliner, why my hair is so thick and etc. i'm kinda sick of it, why can't they just give me compliments instead. i guess it is just like what my brother said, the generation gap. they don't know anything of what my fashion is or i'm thinking.
at around 7.30pm, it was time to meet up for clubbing at MOS! as the rest were at tampines and i was at bedok, they took a cab from there while i took one from here to fetch peggie because she was at bedok too.
by 8.30pm, almost all 24 of us rowdians were there waiting for MOS to open. others like sharon, terence, kian heng, justin, eric, lawson, one of their friends, my brother's 2 friend, wenyan's 2 kakis and 2 colleuges also joined us in MOS. as planned, all of us guys were wearing buttoned shirts. it's so rare to even see a few of us wearing shirt, therefore, to see all of us wearing it is like, WOW! for the girls, they were dressed in their own glam ways.

when we entered MOS, it is indeed what we've heard. the place is totally huge! the environment is really good, with 2 storeys and 5 rooms of different genres. how cool can that be. not forgetting, there's quite a big space for the dance floor.
the bad thing about the place is that the drinks are fucking expensive. a jug cost $49 whereas a bottle of liquor cost $228. thats like 2 times of other clubs! as we wanted to get a good place to seat, we opened 3 bottles of liquor which consist of 2 chivas and 1 jack daniels. still, the sofa seats wasn't big enough for all of us, so half of us took turns standing. imagine 37 people trying to squeeze in a pathetic sofa. haha.

my brother busy taking photo with most of them.
well, the most enjoyment we had there was simply, dancing! hahaha. we were all dancing like crazy people because most of them are virgin clubbers and they have never really dance before in their life time! hoho. it's just so funny to see each other dancing together. we guys were trying to grind each other for fun and i know it looks alot like gay people dancing. haha. and i'm sure the strangers there must be thinking whether we are idiots, retards or something.
by 1am, both eric and lawson are wasted. eric was very drunk that he vomitted near our seats. they were quite wasting the space, so weitong and i have to lift both of them out of the club while kian heng and his friend have to send them back home.
soon, the club were starting to get so crowded that you can hardly walk from one place to another. evenmore, we were at the 2nd floor and we always have trouble walking down to the dance floor. it's really pack with so many people that it's so fucking hot and you can literally touch everyone around you. i swear i'll never go back there again next time.
due to the crowd and heat, some of them left the club to wait for us outside first. after more drinking and dancing, i was out of the club to wait for the rest as well. by 3am, everyone of us left the club. and because qingan was wasted too, weitong, wenyan and mond sent him home while jason, james and paul sent sharon home. as for the rest of us, we waited for alex's friend who came to drive us back to tampines with his lorry.
back at tampines, we were rather hungry. so we went to have our supper at "al khader" first with james, jason and paul joining us. after eating, most of them went to 844's 7-11 to find wenyan, weitong and mond to slack while me and my brother went home to sleep cause we're both really super tired.
31st january, tuesday:woke up at 12pm to prepare myself to go my dad's friend's house for cny visiting. we stay there for around 2 hours as we were watching the dvd, "deep blue sea" before my dad finally drive us back to tampines to meet the rest under wenyan's block at 3.15pm. we waited for a few others to arrive first as some of them were late and then we proceed up to wenyan's house for our rowdees cny visiting.
all we did there was eating the snacks, watching some videos on the net, watching tv and taking photos. we stay there for around an hour or so until we left.
the thing rowdees do second best, EAT! first best is soccer.
as usual, tian nee is extra.
tian nee was actually posing beside mond but we didn't want her in the photo.
our first group photo of cny except that we're still short of a few.
just look at the enormous amount of shoes.
second stop, qingan's house. as we have visited qingan's father while he was in the hospital few months ago, he invited all of us over this time. by the time we're there, his place was already crowded with his relative and his sister, siew mei's friends. my god sis, adeline was there as well but i didn't really have the chance to talk to her.
we just sat there watching tv, talking and not forgetting, alex trying to cheat sharon and qingan's cousins with his lame magic tricks. haha. at 6.45pm, i left for home first to prepare as the rest would be coming over to my place in no time.
the cheeky alex cheating sharon.
over at my place, i locked up my dog, rowdee as most are new to my house and i was afriad rowdee would be a nusiance if let loose. so some of them settled in my room playing xbox and a few of them watching tv.
soon, dinner was served, we have to split into 3 rounds as they were too many of us. like always, it was delicious food cooked by my mom and i simply love it. i hope i have a wife who can cook like my mom in the future.
after the meal, sharon and peggie left and we waited for black, matoot and bah geh to arrive because we need a banker for our gambling needs. hahaha. well, this year round, gambling of black jack was good and i shared my capital with keong like always. i still remember the time we got triple 7 once during chalet. and thats what made us partners ever since. haha. in the end, after about an hour plus of gambling, we stopped. keong and i left smiling, winning $8 each. i know its little but we're poor people you know. so that amount is alot already.
at 1.15am, all of them left my place as there's still school for most of them the next day. that includes me but luckily, i have a ns medical checkup together with ben, weitong, keong, khiaseng and melvin. therefore, no school for me! but i still slept early because we have to be at cmpb for our appointment at 9.30am.
tian nee loves to take photo with everyone especially mond.
mond loves to sleep on my precious bed.
mond with his 2 "girlfriends".

rowdees girls.
oh my god! he is the KING of gamblers!
the 3 kakis.

the second group photo of cny.